water test HELP

i hope that my water test is ok
Nitrate NO3= 10
Nitrate NO2= 0.50
Ammonia NH3/NH+4 = 8.0
High Range PH= 7.8
i hope and pray that its ok


hey do a water change that should help alittle and what kind of fish do you have? i hope they are hardy.
You have ammonia reading 8.0??????? NO that is not ok! Are you sure about that test?
Anything above ZERO for ammonia is not ok! How long have you had this tank set up?
The Nitrite should aslo read ZERO.......
Sounds like you are still in some sort of a cycle,but I am thinking you made a mistake on the ammonia test,might want to try it again or take a sample to your lfs and let them try it.