Water Test Results...Ready for fish?


Hi All,
I'm pretty sure my 46 Gal has been cycled for a couple weeks now with Ammonia and Nitrites at Zero since about week 3 (Fishless Cycle using 80 lbs LR and 50 Lbs Live Sand).
I picked up a few more Salifert Test Kits and wanted to make sure all of my stuff looked OK before I picked up a couple Clowns to start off with. My small Cleaning Crew went in about a week or so ago and has been munching on my Algea. I did a 25% water change last week before adding the Cleanup Crew.
Here are my Water Parameters as of tonight;
Temp = 79.3F
SG = 1.023
Ammonia =0
Nitrite = 0
Nitrate = ~10-15
PH = 8.1
KH = 8.8 dkH
ALK = 3.14 meq/L
I "think" I'm ready to start with a couple of small Clowns and see how they do for a few weeks before adding anything else. I like watching the Snails and Hermits and stuff so at least I have some movement in the tank.


If your ammonia and nitrites spiked and came back down to 0 i would say your ready to add your clowns.


Active Member
You are ready, though your SG could be a little higher (1.026). In the long run inverts and corals will be better off with full strength sea water.


Originally Posted by wax32
You are ready, though your SG could be a little higher (1.026). In the long run inverts and corals will be better off with full strength sea water.
Yah, I had been keeping my SG closer to 1.024-1.025, but when I drip acclimated my Cleaning Crew Last Week I didn't have any Premixed Salt water made up, so I just topped off with fresh RO/DI Water. I will mix up some and add this weekend and get my SG back into the 024-025 area.
No plans for Corals anytime soon... will be FOWLR for the forseeable future till I get a better handle on everything, as I'm pretty much a complete newbie.