Water test!!!


Hello. Last night i was at my lfs returning a dead clown (picked on) and the guy at the store used a tab test kit instead of a liquid test kit and his readings where a little different than mine. (in a bad way) its not that big of a deal its just that i thought that useing a liquid test kit was better than using tabs. Is there a difference? if so should i go out and buy a dry tab kit? Or am i just parinoid


Active Member
I have never used the dry tabs myself, but others on this board report them to be less accurate than other test kits available. I use seachem test kits and like them very much.


fishfreak, thats i use. i just dont get it. Ive tested my tank 2 times now and my nitrites are 0. But the guy at the store read .25 with the dry tabs!!!!