water testing kits

ok . so i know all test kits are different . and some have differnt ml's and such . but who likes who ?
after weeks and weeks of having bad results with a red sea test kit we got an api trite kit . and walla . all water tests are right on .
anyone else have a situation like this ?
who do you like for water test equipment ?


I will be honest, I have gotten skewed readings from just about every brand. When I buy a new test kit I always compair it against two others just to be sure its right.
Originally Posted by jetskiking
I will be honest, I have gotten skewed readings from just about every brand. When I buy a new test kit I always compair it against two others just to be sure its right.
thats not a bad idea . always good to have a 2nd opinion . and in this hobby better to check 2 times
im not saying the red sea kit was fualty . but it was giving a bad reading . heck . who . knows maybe the api kit i got is bad . like the g/f said maybe api makes there kits so everyone has perfect water ? lol


Originally Posted by camaroboy8691
thats not a bad idea . always good to have a 2nd opinion . and in this hobby better to check 2 times
im not saying the red sea kit was fualty . but it was giving a bad reading . heck . who . knows maybe the api kit i got is bad . like the g/f said maybe api makes there kits so everyone has perfect water ? lol
thats funny because I have said the same thing as your girlfriend. The reason I do two is incase the first one I compare with is bad also.
This actually happened recently with my red sea Mag test. I have been raising my mag to get rid of some bryopsis and my kit was reading high. I was getting a reading of 1700. Thankfully my knowledge made me catch it. I had been fighting with lower but in range alk readings before I started dosing. I was really watching my alk because its typical for it to drop when you get the Mag that high. Mine was raising so it threw out a red flag. I went and got my water tested by some friends and turns out I was really only at 1350. The whole time I was trying to get my alk up before, my mag kit was reading high which makes total sense now. This was one of the few kits I had Which I had not compaired to others.


Active Member
Agreed, I always recommend having a different company's test kit to compare results to once in a while, to make sure the kits are still good.
As far as good kits, if you really want top shelf stuff, look into Elos test kits. A bit pricey, but probably the best kits, short of lab-grade units. If you don't feel like ordering/LFS doesn't have them, Sailfert kits are the bread and butter of this hobby.


New Member
Originally Posted by jetskiking
I will be honest, I have gotten skewed readings from just about every brand. When I buy a new test kit I always compair it against two others just to be sure its right.
Thats probably the best way to do it, I've gotten huge differences in different brands of tests
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
Agreed, I always recommend having a different company's test kit to compare results to once in a while, to make sure the kits are still good.
As far as good kits, if you really want top shelf stuff, look into Elos test kits. A bit pricey, but probably the best kits, short of lab-grade units. If you don't feel like ordering/LFS doesn't have them, Sailfert kits are the bread and butter of this hobby.
well im sure ill get suckered into one of thos kits . im a fool for the best gadgets you can get for a certain hobby .
heck i got into skiing a few years ago and i went 1 time and rented . 2 weeks later i had all my own gear . lol ..... if i like a hobby and plain on sticking with it i buy the good stuff right away and just be done with it .