Water Tests


What test kits do I need? I am thinkibg a master test kit, for ph, nirtite, nitrate. What others do I need for a FO tank?? There are so many! Calcium, dissolved oxygen, copper, and to water treatents work? The one I want says it eliminates heavy metals and phosphates fom water, how do I Know if my tap water is okay to use??


The most basic water testing is done for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. Those are generally considered the most important for starting up. Most on this BB will recommend RO/DI water, which you can make yourself if you want to invest in purchasing a unit, or you may have RO water in your home (common in the southwest) or it often can be purchsed from a machine at places like Wal-Mart. There are some (minority!) who do use tap water, the problem there is increase in algae. If you want to test your water for other things, your LFS may do that for you for free. If you want to encourage coralline algae growth on live rock, a healthy level of Calcium is beneficial, usually 450 ppm. Most people add Calcium to their water and test the level. Hope this helps!