Water tick???


Hello, I just recieved my order of some assorted corals from SWF.com and in my bag of Zoas there is a small (about the size of a pea) black "thing" in the bag with them. It looks exactly like a Tick. Has two longer legs and is black with a bunch of other legs. very hard to see because it hides in between the polyps. its slow moving and closes upits legs in the exact same way a tick does. Im at work with these Zoas in a bag for another 3 hours and am wondering what this critter is doing in there with them. Bad pic I know but you can kinda see it.


Looks like it could be some sort of sea spider...BAD!! remove it....and make sure you dip your corals before you put them in your tank...use lugols


. . . I am very glad I didnt put it in my tank. At first I thought it was a star fish. Then a crab. But I watched it and it lies on its back with its legs curled, like a tick in the grass. I looked at under my microscope and almost puked. I dont know what dipping is :( I just put the frag in my tank.


So it is now in the tank??? You can dip certain things in an iodine (iodide) solution like Kent Lugols.....or at least some things in a fresh water dip.....that will kill off, or at least make some stuff jump off...I don't think it works with eggs though...did you examine the frag before you put it in for anything else???/


Its a zoa spider and can wipe out your zoas quickly. Watch your zoas for any recession as where there is one, there are usually many. Lugols or an iodine dip will remove any more that you cannot see. It's been a while since I dipped a coral but if you google "lugols dip" you will find all the instructions.


Active Member
oooooh a sea spider. I've only seen that in a book :) very cool.. but very bad news bears :(


It lives in a jar now. Just cuz its kinda interesting. The Zoas it was on look dead. I put them in some Lugols wich I just got and then in a jar in my tank. Just to kinda separate them. its a upturned jar with the lid off. The spider is just creepy tho.


Active Member
The zoas may be fine. Just keep an eye on them and make sure there isn't more spiders around. Take a pic of the 'dead' zoas though please?
Be careful when keeping the lid off.. they may escape and crawl on you at night! ewww! :p


Active Member
Even if you took that one out, it's still a good idea to dip all the corals. There could be smaller ones, or even eggs on the same frag you put in. I just learned about dipping too, and so far I'm lovin it. I've killed about four different nudis and quite a few flatworms that would have loved to wreak havoc on my tank.


Ill grab a pic of the corals at lunch. It looks like the Zoas have some sort of slime coating on them. Occosanally I think I see a Small Tentical of whatchamacallit coming out of the Zoa "Head". I have no Idea tho. they dont look happy
The spider is currently under going expermintation in a jar. I dont know what to do with it. its very hardy


they just look like they are stressed.....soemtimes it takes a few days for them to open...actually I have had some take a week....