I've had a 150 reef up and runnin for 8yrs or so. Havent added any fish in years. Recently lost a yellow tang and clarkii two to three weeks ago. The clarkii was old, and the yellow tang was old as well not to mention that over the last year or so he had become some what emaciated but allways ate well. All water parameters are within normal limits so I attribute their unfortunate and heart breaking deaths mostly to old age. My question is on the new fish I've added, yellow, purple, and naso tang are all acting a little weird. The fish were added 5.5 days ago. The naso tang after acting normal the first day has retreated to the reef, and has not eaten, he appears to be fine other than that, the purple tang has takin food as of a couple of hours ago. The yellow I'm afraid is on his way out, his lips are red, stuck open and it looks like there slightly swollen with an elivated respitory rate. The only other fish in the reef are two damsels and a purple psuedochromis. Though the water is in good shape I did do a 50 to 60 gal water change last night. I noticed when I put my hand in the water that I got a little tingle. So, I grabbed the volt meter and got 8 to 10 volts with the prob in the water and another 27 volts on the conduit going up to the hood. Its obvious to me were the stray voltage is coming from and I'll fix it emmediatly. My question is this putting a hurt on my fishes. It does appear at times that the fishes movements are a little darty. PLEASE HELP ME OUT BANG. I know you know the answere. donny