Water ?

About 2 days ago i put my saltwater into my tank.. It has been mixing with 2 PH's. Last night i put 5 more gallons of R/O water in and as it was hitting the water it made kinda a hazy gas like haze going through the water. Is this normal?


Well-Known Member
Yes. The fresh water has a different specific gravity and refractive index from salty water, so light is bent as it passes through.
ok thanks for the help Geri + Cannon.
One more thing.. When i replace evaporated water. I know i put freshwater in, but do i need to heat it if its only 1 gallon at a time??


to save face, one gallon won't kill you unless you're puting it into a 2 gallon tank... it depends on the tank volume... but under normal circumstances, no


Active Member
The milky look does not mean that you haven't fully dissolved your salts... It simply means that the water and the saltwater have different densities. Think of it as a mirage on a hot highway. It's the same thing. It will mix together and things will be fine.
I don't heat my topoff water but I have over 80 gallons in my system. I add the topoff water to my refugium where I keep my heater (I don't have a heater in my main tank). Here the water is heated by the heater and it slowly dissipates into the tank. I usually topoff a gallon and a half per day but have never seen a drop in tank temperature due to topping off with cold fresh water.


I don't heat my top-off water specifically to the same temp as the tank, although in a perfect world it should be. However, since the RO/DI bucket is in the converted, unheated garage, it is quite cold so I'll set the jug in the sink half-filled with hot water. Then I'll use the old Mark 1 finger test to see if the temp is at least comparable. My tank's 90g so I figure a slight variation in temperature isn't going to adversely affect the overall tank temp or rattle the inhabitants.
BTW, I make sure my finger is clean before sticking it in the jug, and always wipe down the outside of the jug before I take it to the tank so no tapwater gets in.
If the water temperature is drastically different and it's poured into the tank, it might shake up any livestock that comes in contact with it before it warms up/cools down.