

New Member
so, where should i start? hmm, the question of my life.....
...... so i just got this brand spankin' new fish tank, im not sure what kind it is because i just took it from some store last night, the door was wide open, so i saw my sweet chance to have my dream tank, and by dream tank I mean what ever one i could carry out by myself.


niiiice you are a true bad a$$, i got my 29gallon biocube from my LFS for free....wink...wink, wow i use tap water(anything other than tap will kill fish instantly, ro/di water has been compared to acid by many fish experts), oh and congratz on the new tank hope you have fun


we dont allow illegal activities to be discussed. You stealing a tank from a store * thats what I take From your post is illegal* and thus this thread is closed.
Please be respectful to our members and this site and not discuss things like this. If you need help setting up your tank then ask away. but at the same time remember discussing illegal breaking and entering or just taking is illegal!
I will be watching your posts as will the other moderators to ensure that you abide by the rules of this board.


Originally Posted by dogfaceman
niiiice you are a true bad a$$, i got my 29gallon biocube from my LFS for free....wink...wink, wow i use tap water(anything other than tap will kill fish instantly, ro/di water has been compared to acid by many fish experts), oh and congratz on the new tank hope you have fun
If you are going to give advise please give proper advice even if you think its not appropriate.
Thank you