

New Member
I was wondering if it is okay to use natural spring water for water changes. My friend owns a bottling company and said I could get all the water I want. It's really good to drink but would it be okay for my tank? I currently use well water but think it has alot of phosphates. Would it be better to use an RO/DI unit. I have a problem with the amount of waste but will buy one if necessary!!


Active Member
First off welcome to the board and hope you like it.Spring water could work but I would reccomend you get a RO/DI filter go to ---- and you can get one cheap.
Hope this Helped,


With RO water, you can normally be sure it's of a good quality. Spring water is basically someone else's tapwater. But they probably don't publish phosphate or nitrate levels on the bottle. I would recommend going with RO or RO/DI water if at all possible.
You should take a sample down to the LFS or municipal water company and have it tested for everything you can. For free water I would sure be tempted but not untill I had it tested.


New Member
My friend actually owns the spring. She just spent lots of money having all of the water tests done and building a water shed with a bottling plant. It has nothing in it but trace minerals. She bottles right at the source.


New Member
i would use ro water i have been using ro for 4 years and never had a problem yet ro is good stuff actually the best


New Member
I received the water test back today and the Nitrate are .07ppm Phosphates are 0 and copper is .01ppm. Is it okay to use or should I buy ro/di?


Just to let you know that natural spring water will fluctuate with the readings from month to month, so the phosphates and coppers could bem low this month and higher the next. RO water is consistent, I would reccomend you buy and RO unit.