Waterboarding revisited.........


Active Member
YAY... waterboarding revisited... YAY!!!

enhanced tecniques??? isnt waterboarding rather simplistic???

salty blues

Active Member
Now that our dear leader has apologized to the world for these horrible interrogation methods, we won't have to worry about those pesky terrorists. They won't bother us anymore now that we are a nice country.
By the way, can I interest anyone in some prime ocean front property I have in Arizona?


Active Member
I say just whip them up a batch a cookies, make them drink the kool aid and place them with Bubba in SuperMax.


Active Member
CNSnews. Hmmm...
Until recently run by the RNC's Chief of Radio Operations, followed by Pat Buchanan's reasearch director.
Not that there's anything wrong with that, but hardly unbiased...


Active Member
That is not new news, been out there before.
Obama is messing up big time now allowing investigations.
They want to look at prosecution 3 individuals who gave the legal opinion that water boarding was OK. There are valid opinions on both sides of the is water boarding torture question. There was also plenty of gray area as far as should the terrorists even be subject to protections under the conventions. Once the supreme court ruled as far as terrorists rights the new guidelines were followed.
Now to turn around and start a politically motivated witch hunt will come back to haunt Obama. He prosecutes these people the next Administration could very well try Obama for treason for releasing memos a Bipartisan group of intelligence experts (including Obama's own CIA chief) warned against. There is a better case to be made for Obama's treason than these guys committed some crime for offering a legal opinion.

salty blues

Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
That is not new news, been out there before.
Obama is messing up big time now allowing investigations.
They want to look at prosecution 3 individuals who gave the legal opinion that water boarding was OK. There are valid opinions on both sides of the is water boarding torture question. There was also plenty of gray area as far as should the terrorists even be subject to protections under the conventions. Once the supreme court ruled as far as terrorists rights the new guidelines were followed.
Now to turn around and start a politically motivated witch hunt will come back to haunt Obama. He prosecutes these people the next Administration could very well try Obama for treason for releasing memos a Bipartisan group of intelligence experts (including Obama's own CIA chief) warned against. There is a better case to be made for Obama's treason than these guys committed some crime for offering a legal opinion.
What goeth around may indeed cometh around.


Active Member
Originally Posted by uneverno
CNSnews. Hmmm...
Until recently run by the RNC's Chief of Radio Operations, followed by Pat Buchanan's reasearch director.
Not that there's anything wrong with that, but hardly unbiased...
We could make similar connections with CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC...
---- Cheney is out there saying release the memos showing the information ascertained by the "torture" techniques. This program was clearly successful. And Obama's actions were clearly politically motivated and clearly being twisted to fit his agenda.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
We could make similar connections with CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC...
---- Cheney is out there saying release the memos showing the information ascertained by the "torture" techniques. This program was clearly successful. And Obama's actions were clearly politically motivated and clearly being twisted to fit his agenda.
We absolutely could. Blue or red, Kool-Aid™ is Kool-Aid --- artificial, sickeningly sweet, and potentially lethal.
I have found through the course of my life that the "truth" lies somewhere in between what's reported by Pravda and Der Stürmer.