waterchange stressed clown


i did two 20% water changes back to back. After the first one my smallest clown seemed little sluggish and looked to be mouth breathing. I turned the lights off and finished up and he came around in about 20 minutes or so. I made sure to test the ph and salinity of the new water ph was perfect and the salinity was 30 ppt and the tank was at 27/28 ppt(im trying to bring it up). I had a powerhead in the new water for about 20 hours. What did i do wrong?


Active Member
Originally Posted by nuro
i did two 20% water changes back to back. After the first one my smallest clown seemed little sluggish and looked to be mouth breathing. I turned the lights off and finished up and he came around in about 20 minutes or so. I made sure to test the ph and salinity of the new water ph was perfect and the salinity was 30 ppt and the tank was at 27/28 ppt(im trying to bring it up). I had a powerhead in the new water for about 20 hours. What did i do wrong?
How long have the clowns been in your tank?


clowns have been in there for 8 days.. the temp of the tank was 79 the water i added was 77


you really want the temp to be rexact. that could of been the problem. also add water slowly to tank. on my 75 with a 30 gal sump i add and remove water through sump so fish dont get stressed at all. use a low pressure pump and let the water slowly pump into tank. if possible. just my .02$


Active Member
My guess, assuming your water perameters were spot on, is you just freaked your fish out. 8 days isnt a long time and depending on where they came from anything and everything is new to them, its not hard to stress them out. If your total tank temp went down 2 degress in 5 minutes that too would add to their stress. Not sure what 79* water and 77* water would do to the total tank temp, but anything more than a degree in a 5 minute span could add to the stress. JMO.


Active Member
what size tank do you have,and what are your tanks water test results?is this a new tank


55 and its been up for 3 months. i add the water via the sump, and pump it in, the overall tank temp dropped by about a degree, but it did drop. I had to do the changes because i had been over feeding and had a moderate level of trates and amm, as well as needed to siphon out the slime algae that had formed as a presumed result of the excess nutrients.


Active Member
trates up a little is ok but no ammonia is ok can you bring some water to a lfs and have it tested?temp dropping a few degrees or up temporarily will not bother the fish.how much flow is in your tank?


Active Member
Another thing to consider is the water source, if it had clorine and it was not removed then you will have the same problem. I actually crashed my whole tank that way one of the first times I did a water change.


i'm using the tap water filter from aquarium pharm. and i test for chloring before mixing in the salt. I'm fiarly certain the amm was up from over feeding, i did lose a snail earlier in the week that i never found, but he had been on his way out for a few weeks. I'm going to test again tonight to see where I'm at... if i have to do another one I'll post the behaivor of the clown and see what else we can come up with. thanks for all the help!


Active Member
Originally Posted by nuro
i'm using the tap water filter from aquarium pharm. and i test for chloring before mixing in the salt. I'm fiarly certain the amm was up from over feeding, i did lose a snail earlier in the week that i never found, but he had been on his way out for a few weeks. I'm going to test again tonight to see where I'm at... if i have to do another one I'll post the behaivor of the clown and see what else we can come up with. thanks for all the help!
Well now that I think about if you leave a power head in the bucket for 24 hours the clorine should not be a problem.


Nuro, do you add any powder buffers to your sump?? I ask because when I added water to my sump it stirred up all that was on the bottom of it, and I was worried at the time that residual buffer may have been in there... A freaked out fish will usually hide, not breathe rapidly. That's strange.
The only thing I can figure is that something was on the bottom your sump that got stirred up. Have you done a parameter check since the water change?


Originally Posted by Tizzo
Nuro, do you add any powder buffers to your sump?? I ask because when I added water to my sump it stirred up all that was on the bottom of it, and I was worried at the time that residual buffer may have been in there... A freaked out fish will usually hide, not breathe rapidly. That's strange.
The only thing I can figure is that something was on the bottom your sump that got stirred up. Have you done a parameter check since the water change?
just salinity, i'm going to test when i get home today. i dont add anything at all to the tank, just water and food. it should eb noted that the bigger clown nor my LMB showed any abnormal behaivor