waterflow for anenomes ?

keith gray

I have a 65 gallon tanking with about 700gph flow. I am told that t would be more ideal to increase this flow for tank health. However, I have also heard that anenomes do not like too much water flow. If I add a powerhead and increase to 15 or 20 x flow will this be OK with my anenome ? :notsure:

bang guy

Hosting Anemone are reef animals and appreciate a lot of waterflow. What they don't like is a jet stream of water pointed at them. They need a wide flow, ideally alternating or slightly chaotic.

keith gray

Thanks for the inof. I think I will add a powerhead to increase the flow and do it from the back where it would be hard for him to ever relocate thanks again!


Originally Posted by Bang Guy
ideally alternating or slightly chaotic.
Lol, I love the way ya said that. It's the dang truth IME.
I have a Tiny SeaBae Anenome and some other monster in my 29g right now. I just put another PowerHead in the tank and it's blasting the larger anenome and the small Seabae. THe ANenome loves being blasted by said powerhead.