waterflow queston


hey all i have a 210 gallon tank and a sump that pumps up into the tank i have it plumbed so that it flows into the the tank at 4 diffrent spots for current and good flow.
would it be better to put sea swirls on the 4 spots coming into the tank. for move movement or jsut leave it as is. or move powerheads but i would rather not have morestuff hangin in the tank.


its a blue line aqua pump 70 and it pushes 1750 gph and its right under the tank so its only pushing up about 3 or so feet

bang guy

My suggestion would be to add a closed loop or a couple powerheads to get your flow rate above 4000 gph.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sinister52
could i just get a bigger pump and run 2in pvc instead of putting more power heads in?
Sure, you can do that. I agree with the above that you should be shooting for 4000 GPH turnover.


Active Member
I say do you a couple of Maxi-Mods on magnet holders and you should be well over 4500gph...


Active Member
Originally Posted by sinister52
could i just get a bigger pump and run 2in pvc instead of putting more power heads in?

Can your overflows handle that rate of 4K GPH, they are usually rated at 600 GPH each on RR tanks. So a closed loop or Powerheads are the only valid option...

bang guy

It's a waste of energy to run all your waterflow through your sump. That much flow may start to become noisy below the tank as well. If you're adverse to powerheads then a closed loop is a really good way to go.
Sea Swirls will lower your flow rate considerably.


ok i guess then powerheads is the cheaper way to go. 2 seio 2600 should be ok i guess.
also how would i put a closed loop on. take one of my overflow tubes off the bottom and runn them to another sump and then back up?


Active Member
Hey sinister sorry I haven't gotten back with you yet. I would personally go with the mj mods over the seios. For one they are half the size, and another they have a better track record from my reading. I have had a couple seios and they either quite soon after purchase or one I had didn't work from the get go. Go to MJMods.com and you can buy the kits etc. You can get two kits for something like $50 and the 1200's for $20 or so. That puts you at around $100-$110 for a better pump, and about the same amount of flow. I have read numerous threads on the boards about people loving these things. You can also tranfer them to another pump if your pump peter's out.


really i can get to seios for about 140. hmmmm then i would have to do the moding also. i need a fast dicision here.


i got 2 seio pumps today i hope this helps with the flow. both pumps are pushin 2000 or so and my sump is 1700. that should be enough?