Wats the safest way to do this~


I want to change my crush corals into live sand, but I have 2tangs, 1clown, 1diadema, 1yellow tail damsel, 1cleaner shrimp, 2pepermint shrimp, and 130pound LR.
My tank is 70Gal. with 3 power heads, and 1fluval 404.
How can i reduce the stress to my fishes or the safest way of changing my substrate.


I read here within the past week that another person did the same thing succesfully. He changed just a little at a time daily making sure not to stir up any sand. You may want to do a search.
best way in my opinion is to remove all your lr, drain the tank half way , remove your fish then take your net and scoop out all the cc then add your sand then refill the tank then just add the fish back after u get them adjusted to the tank temp, i did this in both of my 150gal as well in my 75, and if u run your skimmer the water will clear up in about a day