Watts per gallon, just for fun...


Active Member
The depth of the tank makes a big difference in the amount of light needed for some corals.
That is just one of the reasons why the WPG rule does not work.


I got my ballasts from Lowes. Ya Lowes! IceCaps are rated at 1500mA for the 660 that runs 16' of VHO's - I got 3 ballasts rated at 1390mA each and each runs 2 bulbs.
Stats I'm looking at:
IceCap 660- $175.00 (average) 1500mA 16' of bulbs(4 4'110's)
Lowes Sylvania- $19.88 each 1390mA 2x96" bulbs (or less)
Now I'm no lighting expert - studied electronics and work in telecommunications- but is this a good cheap way to go? 2 of the cheap ballasts for 4 110W VHO's -work on ballast is 690mA per bulb where the icecap is 375mA per bulb. Ya or Nay guys n gals???


OK. Just for !@#$s and giggles. 805 watts on a 125g = 6.44 wgallon
3-175w 12k halides
2-140w blue actinics


I have 440 watts VHO, and 96watt PC over my 75 gl. that would be 7.1466666666w/gl. Right now I only have a few mushrooms and green star polyps. Will be adding more in the future when $$$ allows. Trying to save for the wedding and honeymoon in 3 months! :)


Ren as long as its a Fo tank you will be fine.. but if I dont think that lowes sells a electronic ballast for $19.88... so these are probably magnetic.. not to bueno.. they will cost more in electricity than a good icecap.. but.. Im the pot calling the kettle black.. because I use a home depot electronic ballast in my Fo with flo's, as well as in my reef with a 175Mh.. I use the flo' just for actinic light in the reef tank.. but you really dont get the full spectrum.. but again.. its flo's.. they have a chitty spectrum anyway.. upgrade if you have a reef.. but for FO.. if you like it leave it.. I like the coloring with my $50 DIY better than the $200 Mh lighting.. just looks better to me.. and FISH wont care.. IMO ~DAniel

kris walker

Active Member
Ren, IMO, if you found a way to beat the system, and it sounds like you have to me albeit DAluminum's caveat that is is magnetic, then your fine. I'm just jealous I didn't find that when I was taking the lighting tour in my local Wall-Mart.
Oh, as you probably know, the other thing to consider is the voltage across the bulb terms. The total wattage is what is important, not just the current. But I'm sure you know this since you worked in electronics some. Just for scale, a 24in VHO requires 75 Watts while a 24in NO requires 20 Watts (but NO can be driven at VHO Watts with electronic, but not magnetic ballasts).
EDIT: and TWoods, I agree depth makes a difference, but in defense of WPG, that is why there is a broad range often quoted. So for deeper tanks, you should lean on the high side. For shallower tanks, you can lean on the lower side.


to chime
4x65W = 260W all CSL PCs (2 8800ks, 2 Actnic)
going into a 55gal = 4.7W/gal
I just ordered them end of last week.
Water should be added to the tank soon