OK, Now we need to come up with some values that make sense…
I have also heard that 175 watt MH is adequate for 12 in deep tanks, 250 for 18in, and 400 for 24 in deep tanks or more. Can I explain that with LP/SF? I will treat the MH light as a point source, even though some of the bulbs are 12in long. Also for this calculation, I will assume that at each depth, the surface measured is flat, and I will assume that light emitted from less than a 45 degree angle is not strong enough to be considered, even though there is undoubtedly some useful light outside the 45 degree pyramid I will base my calculation on. I know not all tanks are as wide as they are deep, but for this calculation, I won't subtract out the surface area of the narrow tanks. I will also assume that a good reflector is being used, and thus make no attempt to subtract out the portion of the lumens produced by a particular bulb, which are emitted in other directions. Assuming we are using a single spectrum bulb, and that the bulb is emitting all of its energy in the PAR spectrum, we ought to be able to calculate some base line values. I will need data from others on this board to help refine this baseline, but with enough interest, we can come up with a useful rule of thumb for the light requirements for an average reef.
175 watt = 1.17x10^5 Lumens = 1.17e5 LP, over 12 in deep tank (12x12 bottom surface) = 1.17e5 LP/SF
250 watt = 1.67x10^5 Lumens = 1.67e5 LP over 18 in deep tank (18x18 bottom surface) = .74e5 LP/SF
400 watt = 2.67x10^5 Lumens = 2.67e5 LP over 24 in deep tank (24x24 bottom surface) = .67e5 LP/SF
All of these values have produced long term success by the experience of the members of this board, so it would seem that the minimum is somewhere below all of these values
It is debatable whether or not 175 is ok for 18in deep tanks, but most people agree that 175 is not enough for a 24 in deep tank so lets investigate the low end of the range.
175 watt = 1.17x10^5 Lumens = 1.17e5 LP over 24 in deep tank (24x24) = .29 LP/SF
So it would seem that the first data points we have are that anything less than 30x10^3 LP/SF is no enough light, and anything over 67x10^3 is enough. Let’s see if that passes the first common sense test…
All of the members of this board agree that NO lighting is insufficient for reefs, so ..
40 watt = .26x10^5 Lumens (assuming all PAR) = .26e5 LP = over any depth (48 long x 6 wide) = .13e5 LP/SF (13x10^3)
So even directly under the lights the LP/SF of NO bulbs, 13e3, is well below our minimum range, 30e3, making them inadequate for reef lighting, and that is consistent with the experience of the members of this board.
I don’t know what other reef keepers have found to be sufficient with respect to VHO bulbs and PC bulbs, but if those of you who use those bulbs can follow my calculations, and reproduce them for your lighting systems, with an observation about the success or lack of success you have had with your current LP/SF, that will help us refine the minimum LP/SF value for successful reef lighting!! My first bid is between 30e3 and 67e3 LP/SF, has anyone had long term success with something in between?
Thanks for the help,