wave maker question


Active Member
any one know anything about this: Ocean Motion Microprocessor Wave maker? good? Bad? why? Thanks.


Active Member
Never heard of it. How does it compare to the red sea? Whats the price? Ive been thinking about adding a wave maker for a long time, but never took the plunge.


I bought an Ocean Currents "Oscillator". It just attaches to my return from sump and a sweeps 100^. I had a little trouble at first getting it to sweep the right way. I guess I feed it from the left and it is made for the other way. Once I figured it out though it has been great. I really think the corals have liked it. Makes the tank look better with the motion too. <img src="graemlins//silly.gif" border="0" alt="[silly]" />


Active Member
ditto to everything adrian said:
Adrian: what I do know is that it is more expensive...usually over $175..I've never heard of it before though. If anyone has any experience with it please let me know.


Just bought a seaswirl 3/4 inch model and I so far love it ..Was highly recommended and alot of people have them. Really quiet Though I've heard the 1inch model is a little loud I don't even hear mine and the water really moves..They really work well and keep the tank free of powerheads..Check them out.


I think every one talk about two different things one controls powers heads .The other is hooked up to your return. But they both make waves.


Active Member
Ya, I'm talking about a wavemaker that controls up to 4 PH...I'm keeping my powerheads, just putting them on a timer to replicate natural wave movements...I'm looking for any info on an item I recently heard of: ocean motion wavemaker


I use the WavemasterPro by Red Sea it works great it controls 4-Power heads 3-at random 1- that can be random or on all the time . Got a 30 min. feed mode. And 4-reef setting or 4-other setting. Paid 129.00. The one your asking about cost a litte more but works a litte different. I hope this answered part of you ? :cool:


Active Member
ya, I know it's more expensive, but I'm curious if it's worth more $$$. Why would it be more $$ than Red Seas, Wavemaster?


I see on your website you are using 302-402s They will not stand up to the off and on of a wave maker . I had to replace the impellers in the 302s I used all the time. So I replaced them with Max-Jets they worked out great . The others work great if they are on all the time and Hagen makes great products but not for wave maker use.


Active Member
wow...thanks for letting me know! I had no idea that they weren't appropriate....how about the 201??


Go to <a href="http://www.**************.com" target="_blank">www.**************.com</a> it gives a breakdown on the Red Sea . Why the other cost more I do not know.