Wave makers/simulators

yosemite sam

Active Member
I saw this thing in the LFS today that is a non-electrical wave maker. Basically, it attaches to the return hose from the sump and then splits in two for two nozzels that can be placed where ever. The thing has some mechanical device in it that is powered by water pressure. It flips back and forth alternating the return water to the two nozzels, simulating waves. It seems like a neat idea. Has anyone ever used one of these things? Are wave makers good to have?

yosemite sam

Active Member
Thanks BigMac. The thing is made out of plastic, which makes me think it is not too strudy. Do those wavemakers that basically look like a computer surge protector work well? There are bunch of those at the LFS too.


I have another question if you don't mind me jumping in on this. Are wavemakers really necessary?? The guy at the LFS told me that wavemakers and dimmers are a big waste of money. I think otherwise becasue I figure the closer to nature we make our tanks the more our corals will prosper. On the other hand, maybe we can improve on nature by doing something different....how vain of me :D


I think wavemakers are great to have on larger tanks with a lot of powerheads. I have a Red Sea wavemaker now and it works really well. It gives the tank a more natural look, especially when the corals are swaying back and forth.
I use Sea Swirls in each of my tanks (2 in the big one) and also a Tsunami wave maker in the reef. Everything seems much happier and healthier since I started alternating the current. I've never felt it was a waste of money. The theory sounds reasonable...alternate the current in your reef just as the ocean currents alternate all the time. Works in my tanks anyhow! :)


Question to those who do use the electronic wavemakers... How long and in what pattern have you found to be most benificial? Any particular power head placement that worked really well?
I have a 90 gallon with 3 power heads and then the return line, so i have each pair of currents opposing eachother...
Some different configurations that people have used succesfully in different tanks would be useful and appreciated. I'd imagine other people would new to wavemakers or atleast their usage could benefit from an array of configurations in varying setups.
- GatorCSM


Active Member
I use the naturalwave pump timer strip. It is a power strip that hooks up 3 powerheads and runs them at different intervals. My corals really like it. It is definately a healthy improvement in my system.