

for a 55g could i take 3 powerheads and put them on timers so that it goes ph 1 and 2 on for 7hrs all 3 on for an hour ph2&3 on for 7hrs all 3 1hr 1&3 7hrs and so on to get different flows for different times of day would that work or is that bad??
comments welcome


Active Member
I'd scratch that idea.. The way that IME seems to be the most affective is have the powerheads pulse likt turn on and off like evert 5-20 seconds.:D


We do not have powerheads in our tank, only a SCWD. Our lfs says you can have just a SCWD in your tank until you get corals and then you have to run the powerheads as well. It does do a pretty good job of switching from side to side every couple of seconds, though. Our lfs has them on all their show tanks. If you decide to buy one, go to that auction place. I got mine for under $30 including shipping brand new.


Active Member
I would connect a scwd to your return and then get 2 maxi jet 1200 powerheads and just run the power heads full time.:D


I wouldnt use a SCWD on a return line... they are really meant for pressurized apps like a closed loop.


Active Member

Originally posted by pwnag3!!
... they are really meant for pressurized apps like a closed loop.

Not really though.:nope:


That's where I will be putting mine. I was told that this was more effective than using a normal "T" from your return pump. And you get the wave effect as well.


Active Member
You can puut a scwd on your return line, you couldn't put it on a return line from a above tank sump or fuge.


Thanks for all the advice sorry i havent been to this thread in a while but any way back to buissness FLATZBOY Why cant i put it on the return line from the sump isn't that where its supposed to go??
just wondering


do you have to have a drilled tank to do that or is there a way to wake it work with a regular tank??


Active Member
You must of misread my post. I mean't pwnag was wrong when he said you can only use one a closed. Yes you can use a scwd on a return line from your sump. But if you have an above tank sump/fuge it will not work because there will not be enough pressure to switch it back and forth.


i see now its gonna be underneath so i dont hav to worry about that does anyone know where i could get one for a good price??