WAY OT: Please Read


all the more reson to start "spoofing IP's"... j/k have nothing to hide so..... the unfortunate thing is that the internet is still such a mess when it comes to a legal matter. it's hard to say what should and should not be allowed by any one company. when it comes to us system outside the internet, it unfortunatly seems that all too many times he who has the biggest wallet wins. but if you look hard enough, usually the articles that aren't front page, you hear about Mrs. Smith who's house was in a place where some major coporation wanted to build a new site, but she stuck with it and won... unfortunatly i think the media is too biased and thats why it seems the legal system sucks. just look at the coverage kobe's gotten, why hasn't every other accused rapist gotten the same treatment? and now if he wins it's going to go down like another OJ debate? he who had the money won kinda thing.