Way OT


Using some of the million or so AmEx points I have "earned" over the years, I can get my kids a free game for Christmas. The only trouble is that I am so out of the loop when it comes to games that I don't know which is best? Kids are 3, 5 and 8. Anythoughts would be appreciated. X- Box, Playstation or Game Cube?


GameCube - Nintendo seems to cater to the younger crowd - sure there are a few games for older kids, adults on it, but not nearly the amount that are on the PS2 and XBox.
Personally the PS2 is my favorite, but when it comes time for my daughter to play games, she will more then likely have a Nintendo because of the amount of kids games on it.


Active Member
Well I like x-box, but I agree that the gamecube probably has more games geared toward kids, you could probably find out from them which one they would prefer without giving away the suprise.


Active Member
I have an XBox, and don't think the others compare. But the games are more complicated typically for that. For kids the age of yours, I would say Gamecube too. Nintendo is more arcade than the others.
My friend got a PS2 and we played Madden 2004. PS2 is awesome, it's not just for kids anymore!:D
I think I am gonna get one soon!


Active Member
ps2 for sure. We got one when our kids were 5 and 8. The best part is you can use ps, ps1 and ps2 games. There are more (quantity) "little kid" friendly games. They are now 7 and 10 and still love it. We just buy/rent the higher age games for them. Go to Target, Walmart or whatever is in your area and look at the games. They definetly have more games for your aged children.
and it will "grow" with them. This is what sold us...... :cool:
Now my silly question is about Game Boy, my 10 year old wants one...........


Definitly Game Boy or Atari, cheap and simple. None of that color stuff either. Who needs color when you can have GREEEEEEN! LOL
Honestly though, Gamecube. They have some really fun kids games.


Or you could go fun/educational and get them leapfrogs...or even their own laptops!
Ok I am going to shut up now.lol