ways of making Fake "live rock" Please Help


Ways of making Fake "live rock" Please Help
Well, ok I've heard and seen many ways of making base rock and background rock in your tank using different methods, but I was wondering if anyone here has experience with the subject and knows of any safer ways than using cement? I know there are a few different ways..
1. using cement (Portland type I/II, but it takes forever to cure)
2. using Thorite (Dont really know what this is but hear its safer)
3. using a foam like substance that hardens(I'm kinda intersted in this one)
Please help, I'd like to get your thoughts and ideas. I'm going to be setting a tank up soon and would like to know what my options are. And before you ask, no, its not going to replace all the life rock for my tank.. just some.
THank you so much!!!


Active Member
Post this in the diy forum, and search for DIY live rock there is a massive thread from a few months ago.