Ways to limit aggression from a 6line?


Active Member
Originally Posted by crypt keeper
okay but this isnt your thread. The original poster is having a 6 line damsel issue.
You are correct, this is not my thread. Nor is it yours. And for the record, the op IS having a sixline problem. You turned it into a damsel problem starting at post #5. You chose to slam sixlines and convert the thread to a damsel topic. I think you should start your own thread on your beliefs/opinions of damsels personalities, and let this thread get back to the topic of the op...sixlines.


Originally Posted by T316
For the record, my posts above are my agreement in regards to sixlines, not damsels. This is a sixline thread, not a damsel thread. I have never kept damsels, nor will I ever, but I do not claim to have knowledge of damsel compatability. Just thought I would throw that out there since you guys want to debate damsels vs. sixlines.
Your profile states you have chromis and clownfish, both of which are damsels.


Active Member
Originally Posted by alh
Your profile states you have chromis and clownfish, both of which are damsels.

Yes, but I don't think that's the damsels being talked about here. (Now you even have me talking about damsels


Active Member
Limit aggression in a Six Line Wrasse huh? Put him in with a Huma Trigger,that will limit his aggression


Active Member
Focus everyone... Reducing aggression in a 6 Line Wrasse.
I'd vote it can't be done without increasing the habitat size quite a bit. The fish is still going to be aggressive, but the other fish will have more room to avoid it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Focus everyone... Reducing aggression in a 6 Line Wrasse.
I'd vote it can't be done without increasing the habitat size quite a bit. The fish is still going to be aggressive, but the other fish will have more room to avoid it.

I'll disagree a little.
My sixline killed it's previous owner's mystery wrasse upon entry to the tank, yet has not shown any aggression to the yellow watchman, blue tailed damsel, or foxface that i've added to the tank after it.
GENERALLY 6lines are aggessive to new comers. If you acclimate the fish to the tank in a way that the sixline can act out it's aggression BUT not do damage to the fish, the sixline can generally get used to the fish and accept it as a tankmate.
One of those breeder nets or even a pool skimmer bucket/strainer can help with this. Keep the newcomer in that inside the tank , preventing physical contact with the wrasse, and in a week or so the aggression should be gone.
Michael Paletta introduces all his wrasses this way and has over 30 wrasses in one of his tanks. If it works for him, i'm sure it will work for others.


Active Member
wow this thread has taken off here..
i have read a lot of these and by all means, the6 line is not crammed. he is the only fish that actually uses the rocks like he does. all the other fish are open swimmers. the wrasse is more of a fish that will appreciate your rock work more than most fish.
all fish are different so there is not a 100 percent guess on if this 6 line is more aggressive than the next, or wil accept various tank mates.
with the small damsel addition i did, i did not think it would be a problem. i had a 6 line in with a domino and had no problem. the domino is long gone and there is the final fish in there. its is a damsel. it is called a red honey damsel. i will get pics because when i googled this i couldn't find the fish.
anyway, i was looking for some insight on any tips on limiting aggression. later on after posting i found things like, re arranging rock, acclimate the fish then tun the light off, feed them before you add new fish in the tank etc. simple fixes.


Active Member
pics of the un identified damsel.. sorry this little guy is fast

plus 2 pics cus i said why not..


crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by T316
You are correct, this is not my thread. Nor is it yours. And for the record, the op IS having a sixline problem. You turned it into a damsel problem starting at post #5. You chose to slam sixlines and convert the thread to a damsel topic. I think you should start your own thread on your beliefs/opinions of damsels personalities, and let this thread get back to the topic of the op...sixlines.

I did not start the damsel subject so back off and learn how to comprehend what you read. The damsel subject was brought up in post #4. I answered some one else's ignorance about damsels. I gave my opinion on the sixline.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crypt keeper
I did not start the damsel subject so back off and learn how to comprehend what you read.

Here is what I read. How much comprehension do I need?
Will I know when I get there?
Originally Posted by crypt keeper

okay but this isnt your thread. The original poster is having a 6 line damsel issue.


I know this will sound crazy, but I have a clownfish that acts as a referee between my yellow damsel and the green chromis in my tank. when the damsel gets to excited the clown will send him "to his room". Has anyone ever had a clown that acted as a moderator in their tank? Maybe I should ask this question in another forum. but we are discussing fish aggression.


I introduced a 6 line into my tank a couple months ago. He/She has been flittering in and out of the rock work minding their own business. I have never seen any agression. Since getting the 6 line, I have added a Clarkii clown and the Clarkii is the agressor in the tank. He is merciless toward my Orbiculate Bat. I may have to choose between the 2 :( as the clown continues to bite off the bottom fin of the bat and shred his fins; the poor bat is running out of swimming room...
The 6 line gets along with everyone in the tank and doesn't mind sharing the rockwork with the red spotted sand perch or fire shrimp. I think it helped starting with a 6 line that was less than an inch big.
To the original poster - I hope that your 6 line can get along and you can enjoy the pretty little guy.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
You cannot limit his aggression in the tank that you have. You could put him into a larger tank, with all aggressive fish, so he is scared out of his mind. The fish is being how they are. They are awesome fish in the right environment.
Dang it, I was going to suggest this..


New Member
I added 2 firefish to my tank about 2 weeks ago bringing my population to:
1 Maroon Clown
1 Dragon Goby
1 6 Line
2 Red Firefish.
I've not had any aggression issues until this morning. My 6 line kept attacking the larger of the 2 firefish, I walked in to see the last of it and the death of the firefish.

I've been monitoring the tank since and the 6 line is back to not even noticing the firefish.
I'm torn on what to do... Should I remove the other firefish or leave them be since there aren't any issues?