We finally did it!!!


Hey everybody just wanted to express my happyness because I just upgraded my 60g to a 230g
I just made the switch this past weekend & it all went off without a hitch (except for a noisy mag 24). I had a custom sump made & did all the work myself (with help from my wife). Today is day 3 with all livestock & corals & so far so good, no losses & they all seem allright. I still have lots to go but the big stuff is done. What a ton of work but its all worth it! Ill try post pics later if anyone is interested. Any addvice on a big reef?


Active Member
NO PICS!!!!!! YES, we are all interested and very disappointed to get this kind of news with NO pics! No teasing!!! :hilarious
Oh ya, contatulations! :cheer:


Allright here's some pictures & some of the corals in pails waiting to put back in the 60g. I had to empty the 60g & move it to the other side of the room & set it up again untill we got the 230g running, that was somthing let me tell you but worth it!!! We only have 100lbs of lr for now we will get more but we dont want the wall of rock & no rock will come close to the glass. Heres the pictures



Active Member
that tank is freaken awesome. i love the rockwork. ahhhhh words cannot even express how much i love that tank. amazing job


Active Member
Very cool!
The tank is so big it makes that 100 lbs of lr look more like 50 lbs.
Hey, can you open up your canopy doors so we can see inside. We are still drawing out plans on how we want our canopy to be (husband is going to build it one of these days).


:cheer: :cheer: looks good i just went threw all the moving of tanks and it sucks im feeling you but its was al worth it looks very nice


Hey azfishgal I tried to take some pictures of it open but with the lights on they will not turn out. Ill try again tomorrow as Im going out tonight. I compleatly sealed the canopy then put in 2 4" fans one on either end blowning into it, then a vent in the back that gets exhausted outside no heat or mumidity in the house, my sump/fish room is exhausted outside as well. I have 2x250mh & in the middle 1x400mh I will be adding more latter most likey T5 but may just put in my old pc's for now. HTH


Active Member
Originally Posted by HiFi
Hey azfishgal I tried to take some pictures of it open but with the lights on they will not turn out. Ill try again tomorrow as Im going out tonight. I compleatly sealed the canopy then put in 2 4" fans one on either end blowning into it, then a vent in the back that gets exhausted outside no heat or mumidity in the house, my sump/fish room is exhausted outside as well. I have 2x250mh & in the middle 1x400mh I will be adding more latter most likey T5 but may just put in my old pc's for now. HTH
Thanks, is there any way for you to get a picture of the exhaust going out? Maybe take the picture when the lights are off, might help. Thanks for trying! And wow, a 400 MH! I know I won't need that powerful of one, but you have larger tank than me. Is your tank 6' long? If so you have more depth to cut through than I do.


Heres some pictures for you I hope it helps. I have mounted the 2 outside mh lights by chain so that they can removed when working in the tank or lifted out of the way ,my tank is 30" deep so I need all the help I can get. The 400mh in the middle is solid mounted because there is a large glass brace in the middle so I cant get into the tank there anyway. For the vent I just cut a hole to match some dryer vent hose that goes into my fish room then from there it gets vented outside from a exhaust fan & Ill tell you its worth it!!!! My tank temp stays at a solid 80f day or night even with all 3 mh lights on
& no chiller. The pictures may not be here for long as they take up valuble realistate.
