We need a sticky


On hosting I would have to atribute it to blind luck unless there is and im sure it is out there a study done on the subject with the exeption of Atlantic to Pacific type species. Just an idea there are a lot of post about hosting thought it may be easier to answer many ? at one time at least basic questons then if people still need to post they can , well just a thought


Active Member
Originally Posted by DMV
On hosting I would have to atribute it to blind luck unless there is and im sure it is out there a study done on the subject with the exeption of Atlantic to Pacific type species. Just an idea there are a lot of post about hosting thought it may be easier to answer many ? at one time at least basic questons then if people still need to post they can , well just a thought

The only thing I know of is that there is a list of anemones that are natural host to certain anemone fish in the wild.
As far as hosting in general? What type of information are you looking for? If and or when it happens? Or any way you can facilitate the union between the 2? If so, then the answer is no, it is just luck, and with an increased chance by pairing the correct anemone with the correct anemone fish.


Thats kinda what I was thinking as a big sticky title would read
(HOSTING IS PURE LUCK WHEN BUYING CLOWNS ALSO BUY LOTTERY TICKET AS CHANCES RUN ROUGHLY THE SAME GOODLUCK ) or something like that I like to read all the ?s but was thinking could save new people to hobby time with one post . Pd do you know anybody that has used a 56 gallon column tank r/r ?


Active Member
Originally Posted by DMV
Thats kinda what I was thinking as a big sticky title would read
(HOSTING IS PURE LUCK WHEN BUYING CLOWNS ALSO BUY LOTTERY TICKET AS CHANCES RUN ROUGHLY THE SAME GOODLUCK ) or something like that I like to read all the ?s but was thinking could save new people to hobby time with one post . Pd do you know anybody that has used a 56 gallon column tank r/r ?
lol true.
no sorry i dont..