weed whacker blues...


Active Member
Originally Posted by jrthomas40
yeah when you put the line back on it you have to roll it to where it layers and it will roll like a winch or one of those big spools of construction cable....roll it slow and put each wrap as close to the previous wrap as you can and start from the top down top being where the notches are to begin the wrap

Originally Posted by jrthomas40
i forgot to mention you want to keep the layers as tight as possible so as your are wrapping take one of your fingers and press on the line you have already laid to keep it in place

do i take some line, fold it in half, and start rolling it so the middle is under every thing else? if so i think that's what i didn't do correctly
Originally Posted by nacl freak

Oh ,that'll be easy with that bum finger.

yea... i'm getting it looked at tomorrow... it's gotten a tad red/painful

nacl freak

Originally Posted by renogaw
do i take some line, fold it in half, and start rolling it so the middle is under every thing else? if so i think that's what i didn't do correctly
yea... i'm getting it looked at tomorrow... it's gotten a tad red/painful
RED AND PAINFUL. How you doin today?


Active Member
Originally Posted by nacl freak
RED AND PAINFUL. How you doin today?
i'm fine till i go to the doctors LOL. i generally don't see any use for them, but i also know when i should take advantage of perscription drugs... and you need a doctor for those. it actually stung this morning when i put neosporin on, which shouldn't happen.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
I want to see pictures of the head, because I'm curious as to what kind of line last for years.
all depends on usage... i use the nylon blades more than the twine cause it's such a pain to use the twine. unfortunately, the blades cant hit anything solid so i gotta use the twine near the buildings/pool, trees etc.


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
i'm fine till i go to the doctors LOL. i generally don't see any use for them, but i also know when i should take advantage of perscription drugs... and you need a doctor for those. it actually stung this morning when i put neosporin on, which shouldn't happen.
good call going to the Dr.'s .... sounds like it's infected.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bigarn
good call going to the Dr.'s .... sounds like it's infected.
i honestly counted on it getting infected... i'm generally clean minded, but getting your finger caught in hedge trimmers--theress just nothing you can do to keep that clean. i'm sure i'm in for a world of pain this afternoon...


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
all depends on usage... i use the nylon blades more than the twine cause it's such a pain to use the twine. unfortunately, the blades cant hit anything solid so i gotta use the twine near the buildings/pool, trees etc.
We used to use small metal ones. That was fun. But it if you hit the metal building that was a gash. It was like an ungarded mini-mower.


no folds....the notches/hols in the top part of the spool head place the twine in one of those notches and place your left thumb over it to hold it in place (now your left hand is holding only the top portion of the spool with your thumb over the line)..use your right hand to begin the wrap starting from the top (closest to your left hand) working your way downward keeping each wrap as tight and close to the previous wrap once you reach the bottom wrap from bottom up keeping the line tight and as close to the previous as you over lap the first layer then once you reach the top go back downward, back up to the top then back down once you get the you will be able to take your thumb off the line hold on the top and place on the last wrap cut the line to desired length while holding it to the spool with your left thumb feed it through the line hole on the weedeater and grab it with your free hand to pull it tight as you attach the spool to the weedeater....there will be a little piece of line at the top that you were holding while wrapping just take it and push it underneath the top where the wrapped line is...dont let go of the line you are holding until you have the spool completely on the weedeater...before starting the weedeater push the "button" spool head with one hand and pull twine out with other to test automatic line feed...if it works start it and get to work....if the button doesnt compress, feed line and pop out something is wrong with the head


Active Member
okiday.. i really need to get this trimmer line on :p
here's pics.
there's an arrow saying to spool line in a certain direction.



Active Member
Originally Posted by jrthomas40
no folds....the notches/hols in the top part of the spool head place the twine in one of those notches and place your left thumb over it to hold it in place (now your left hand is holding only the top portion of the spool with your thumb over the line)..use your right hand to begin the wrap starting from the top (closest to your left hand) working your way downward keeping each wrap as tight and close to the previous wrap once you reach the bottom wrap from bottom up keeping the line tight and as close to the previous as you over lap the first layer then once you reach the top go back downward, back up to the top then back down once you get the you will be able to take your thumb off the line hold on the top and place on the last wrap cut the line to desired length while holding it to the spool with your left thumb feed it through the line hole on the weedeater and grab it with your free hand to pull it tight as you attach the spool to the weedeater....there will be a little piece of line at the top that you were holding while wrapping just take it and push it underneath the top where the wrapped line is...dont let go of the line you are holding until you have the spool completely on the weedeater...before starting the weedeater push the "button" spool head with one hand and pull twine out with other to test automatic line feed...if it works start it and get to work....if the button doesnt compress, feed line and pop out something is wrong with the head

this would work if it were just one cord no? from the pics i have 2 cord parts, and it feeds both