Weekend move to 90 gal


Active Member
Looks really nice. Are those micro bubbles in there? Need to get them stopped as they are not good for the fish. Other than that. Killer job. Barry


Active Member
Great looking tank
Like Barry said, you better get rid of the air bubbles. It looks like you have air lines running to your powerheads. If so, remove them and you should be fine>>>


I had 2 tanks moved into the 90, a 72 gal bowfront and a 46 gal, The move took 10 hours and went smoothly
. The bubbles are from my skimmers the valves were open the whole way.


Active Member
any losses in the move? Make sure the seals are tight in the skimmer. Just play with it to see if you can fix teh problem


Time is nearing for putting our tank together and I've been perusing every picture I can for inspiration. Your aquascape arrangement is one of the more appealing I've seen. I particularly like how the sand slopes up to the rockwork, it looks very natural and not just like some rock piled on a flat sandbed.


I cant take all the credit for the sandbed because my engineer goby has done some work with it.
And for the question how did the move go, I did have one loss, my coral banded shrimp went downhill fast after acclimation, and didnt make it through the night.