actinic skills, a blind man can take a better pic, here's my best
D dboy999 Guest Mar 12, 2006 #22 ok i got as i was reading this my halides poped off for the evening so heres afew i jst took,,,enjoy
monalisa Active Member Mar 12, 2006 #24 Here are my actinics shots. A bit on the dark side, but you get the idea. Lisa :happyfish
cain420 Active Member Mar 13, 2006 #28 i have a fuji finepix e550 taken at night settings at a resolution of 2848x2136 with a shutter speed of 1/5sec. no program used to enhance. nothing much to look at, mostly an empty tank oh yea.. i used a tripod of course!
i have a fuji finepix e550 taken at night settings at a resolution of 2848x2136 with a shutter speed of 1/5sec. no program used to enhance. nothing much to look at, mostly an empty tank oh yea.. i used a tripod of course!