weekend photo feature:


Active Member
These are just standard pics. I dont PhotoShop any of my pictures. I'm shooting with an Olympus C8080 (8.1MP)...hoping to upgrade to a full DSLR in the next few months.
Sea Robin
Aperature shooting mode (1/30 - F4.0), with flash. 45W of PC

Aperature shooting mode (1/30 - F3.2), without flash. 45W of PC

Hawaiian Dragon Moray
Apperature shooting mode (1/30 - F5.6), with flash and digital zoom. 40W of T5

nm reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
haha, thanks, every now and then they like to cooperate

am i allowed to share a few more?
By all means.....my intent was to focus on "fish photos" and to maybe limit the number of photos posted but both intents fell by the wayside....so if you have more that you are willing to post lets see 'em....especially if they are of that quality.

nm reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by AW2
These are just standard pics. I dont PhotoShop any of my pictures. I'm shooting with an Olympus C8080 (8.1MP)...hoping to upgrade to a full DSLR in the next few months.
Sea Robin
Aperature shooting mode (1/30 - F4.0), with flash. 45W of PC
Aperature shooting mode (1/30 - F3.2), without flash. 45W of PC
Hawaiian Dragon Moray
Apperature shooting mode (1/30 - F5.6), with flash and digital zoom. 40W of T5
Excellant offerings....I've never been much interested in the aggressive side of the marine hobby...but the species you seem to prefer are very impressive. I really like the eel shot....


Active Member
i know this if supposed to be for fish tanks, but i took this one diving in the summer of 2000, and i can't hulp but to post it. (actually, i have about 3 or 4 more from the same trip). it was taken with my nikonos v cameras, sb-103 strobe flash, and macro kit (kind of cheating, but takes awesome fotos - you never have to guess
so here it is..........


too bad i cant take credit for this being mine.... it is actually the shedd aquarium... i can never get good pics of my fish... but i manged to get some good ones at the shedd... i believe the first is a dragon moray eel and the second is obvious... i took it with my, Kodak easy share LS753 5 m.p.



Active Member
Originally Posted by NM reef
Excellant offerings....I've never been much interested in the aggressive side of the marine hobby...but the species you seem to prefer are very impressive. I really like the eel shot....


While I do enjoy a nice reef tank, I just find predatory fish more interesting. The more unique, the more I like them (Anglers, Scorpionfish, etc).
And...sorry for posting more than one pic. I now see that you had said one pic per person.


There are some awesome pictures being submitted.
Here is my rock blenny "Rocky" picture taken with Kodak DX 7590. Photo edited with Picture it, only for crop and add my logo.
He loves to be hand fed, will eat flake food, brine shimp, mysis shrimp, formula one and two... He will beat the clowns and chromies to the top of the tank for the first bite. His favorite place to be is up front and center of the tank, watching us watch him.


i hope you enjoy this picture it is a rhomboid fairy wrasse!
such a beautiful fish i had to add my name to the photo and drastically reduce the size so that i can submit this for some contests
took it today at my local fish store the pair is selling for $550 and the female did not want her picture taken
i guess it was a bad hair day!



Active Member
OOps I forgot to say its my little spotted puffer. shot with flash, cannon eos rebel xt hand held...keep posting...I'll be back later to see...


Active Member
Here are some pics of my female false perc, Cookie, at home in her devil's hand...she's SO cute!!
Camera, just a kodak easyshare CX7430...first pic with flash, the other 2 without. ***)
Lisa :happyfish



Active Member
here is another pic of my clowns and xenia...i like this just because you are looking like the clown is, and he is the one in focus...i dont know, maybe it's just me:notsure: ...
and the other, ya know...more clowns



It's not a fish, but I really liked the picture. This was just after a feeding. I just picked him up today. He's great to watch.


i love ur cucumber! i want to get one u should post the one of it in the other thread!
here is my orange spotted blennie my picture is poo compared to ur guys's i took it with a coolpix43000???


i love ur cucumber! i want to get one u should post the one of it in the other thread!
here is my orange spotted blennie my picture is poo compared to ur guys's i took it with a coolpix43000???


Active Member
NateP206...that picture isn't Poo!!! love your blennie relaxing on the reef!! ***) here is a bangaii, shot with cannon eos rebel xt. 18-55 mm lense hand held with flash.