weekly dosing?


Within the last month i've started to test out corals and my ability to keep them
75 gallon tank
260 watts pc lights 2 10000 k's and 2 atinnics
0 on amm and nitite
10 or less on trate seems in between the colors
sal 1.026
ph 8.4
corals were purchased at LFS home for unwanted corals 15 dollars a piece cleancing them out
1 rock with large mushroom
1 rock with 7-8 small to medium mushrooms
1 30+ colony of brown zoos with green in center
1 2 headed frogspawn rather large head for it i think
been in tank for about a month now
question i have is do i need to be dosing anything in this tank to keep these corals
I have been operating under the dont add chemicals to the tank and just keep up on water changes idea 5-10 gallons weekly. but a friend says i need to be adding chemicals weekly I dont want to do this wrong. should i be adding things or stay as is. i was pretty confident in my research i was doing it right but now i find my self questioning.
i do throw the frogspawn a little food from time to time
everythign looks great except a couple of zoos appear white in the center. was planning a another thread about that with picture but im out of time tonight and wanted to at least get this on.
Sorry for the long post thanks in advance
forgot to mention tank was set up as a 45gallon in april and everything moved into a 75 gallon in january. no deaths or spike in readings after the move so after waiting a month i added corals


Active Member
Regular water changes should be all you need. No calcium hungry animals in that group. The best thing to do to determine if you need to dose is to test. Regular test for calc and alk. If they stay in good ranges then you don't need to add anything. If you see them sliding out of range then any good two part like ESV B-Ionic will help you maintain. If you're doing the water changes with a good quality salt you should be fine.
Good Luck!


currently using red sea salt. somtimes i think calcium is a little low. im gonna test again at next water change and see if it still is staying in proper ranges. if its not i may change salts when this one runs out


I just did my first Magnesium test....900ppm
I bought an aquadose for kalk-water, but do not want to start until my alk/calc/ph are in balance... I was thinking that mag might help raise my calcium and then my alk would drop (it's 5meq/l).
Was going to start dosing 1000ml of mag per day w/calcium....any suggestions?