Weening a Lion Fish

What I did was feed it ghost shrimp to start. I would take some tweezers and grab the ghost shrimp by the tail and put it infront of the lion, let it go and he would gobble it up. After 4-5 times doing that I switch the GS with krill and since hes used to eating like that he will hit the krill thinking its a GS. After the knows thats how he gets his food you can switch it up with anything you want. You can also try not feeding him for 4-5 days, they will try alot when there hungry.


Active Member
Originally Posted by volitan1
HOw do you ween a lion fish off of live foods?
What kind of lion, how big, and how long have you had him? What, how much, and how often is he eating now? Its usually pretty easy with most lions; like the above post says, sometimes you just have to let them wait; they can be as stubborn as they look.


I recently got mine off of live foods I hope for good. It does take work and patience though. The LFS was feeding mine only guppies. As I've stated in earlier posts it was a chore. I was trying to feed him by hand but have been discouraged about this for good reasons and so I stopped. A few days ago I broke down and bought a guppy. I impaled the tail section on a feeder stick and put it in the tank. He attacked immediately. I then put a silverside soaked in vitamins on the feeder stick and waved it around like a distressed guppy. He attacked with a vengence. Today I just used silversides on the feeder stick and both were gone in the blink of an eye. Good luck!!!


Preditors like to hunt...I would just stick a couple of gobbies in and let em' run the gauntlet.
I'm debating about a couple of Lions in a 72 BOW. I'm beginning to wonder if I need to add a refugum and raise shrimps to boot.
Of course with my hatred of simple damsels that lead to me nuking my first tank to get them out...


I've had two volitans lions and all I've had to do to get them to eat frozen food is thaw it out and drop it in. The powerheads seem to make it move around enough that it catches the lion's interest. Then he just moves in, stalks it for a couple seconds, and sucks it in. I'm not sure if that's typical or if I've just been lucky, but I'd give it a try--assuming you have decent flow in your tank.