weird behavior today


i have had a pair of clown for about a week now. And they ALWAYS used to be together. and go to the cave to sleep together. Today one of my clown is in the usual cave sleep.. other one is just hanging out right against the glass. You think there is smth wrong?? could it have ich or something and is scratching against the glass. (doesnt really look like scratching tho, but right up agaisnt the glass).. is it normal for clowns who were always together to separate like this?


yeah.. sounds familiar... or maybe she kicked him out today?? argument or fight maybe.. haha. only thing that bothers me is that at night he was very jumpy and jittery. thats what made me think something is going on.


Does he look okay? Mine got into a few fights...then for a few days one stayed in a cave...and the other in their corner of tank...after that they were a couple again....