weird behavior?


I got my engineer goby yesterfay and he has been hanging out in the corner not really doing much... all of the other fish are swimming everywhere and eating... when the moon lights came on he was a little more active but not much. I guess I just assumed that he would search out some LR and start digging... anyone have any info?


i got mine last week and he was kinda the same way. He was just hanging out not digging or finding a place for himself. He didnt start digging until the lights were out that night. I heard that they were nocturnal in their digging , so you may want to try turning the lights completely off at night and see if that helps. Is he eating?


by the way, now my tank is filled with tunnels under all the rock. Hes made 4 different burrows and seems to switch back and forth, lol.

darth tang

Active Member
Mine his under a rock for two years. He was really active at night. The only time I saw him during the day was when he was hungry.
I lost mine a few months ago because he swallowed to much sand and it blocked up his stomach and intestines.

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by Bailey52
Dart... i gotta ask.. how do you know that.. did you do an autopsy?

Yes, when it died it's stomach was huge qand protruded out dramatically. I had my assumptions....but I had to know....
Darth (scalpel please) Tang