weird behavior


Hello everyone...well I have a bubble tip anemone for quite some time now and he hasnt moved around much until now. Recently, everytime he moves, he moves into an area where the light cannot hit I know that is ok but hes acting like this for a week and hes not opening up as big as he used to. I dont know what to do, I would like to move him back to the areas with the light but im scared if I try to move him ill kill it because he stuck himself and I dont want to rip him...First off should I be alarmed by this behavor or is this a roll over play dead scenerio for me? BTW he is eating so I dont know :help:


If he is still eating and nice and sticky he should be fine, I've heard of a lot of BTA doing this, I wouldn't worry about it to much unless he stops eating, and definitaly don't move him, anemones do so much better when people leave them alone, he knows what he wants way more than we do