Weird - Corals Growing Better w/ PC vs MH


Active Member
When I got some of my corals from the LFS, they were under MH lighting.
I now have them under weaker PC lighting in my house and they have almost doubled in size in a matter of a few weeks.
How is this possible? They were much smaller under MH lighting and are thriving w/ my 260W PC's.
Not that I"m complaining, but I'd like to know what's helping?


Active Member
What kind of corals? There are many corals in home aquaria that don't like or need the intensity of MH.


Same thing happens to me. I got a shroom which was under VHO and it has split twice and is much bigger under my PC. I also got a hammer about a week ago and aready im seeig growth and its brighting up and it was under MH.


Active Member
Leather, mushrooms, green plate, zoos, polyps, brains, they are all doing better than at the LFS.
They were at the LFS for a while and were opened up. I guess it's either that his lights were old or water chem sucked.


Active Member
Also, at a LFS, the corals generally get handled quite a bit which means they are stressed and don't open as much.
Another option is that the corals hadn't adapted to the MH yet but were used to less light from where ever the LFS bought them from. So when they got to your tank, it was light they were used to.