Weird Eating Habits


There's always a few pointy ended fries in the bunch. They're such a hazard, as it's quite easy to stab the roof of your mouth when trying to eat them.


Active Member
umm im asian... so lot's of our food is wacked.. kinda like how we almost always need msg, or soy sauce... ummm salty!!!
okk and i love freezing fruits.. i mean anything like.. peel it.. then freeze it.. anything from pinapple,oranges,kiwi.. just about everything...
im also a penut butter maniac.. ill try penut better on so many thing( not that it tast good most of the time ) .. it's crazy..


New Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
Does the Wendy's you go to have pointy ended fries???
Darth you need to pick up the "Pace"... I like it but there is nothing like homemade Salsa from vegies in the garden!!!
Artichokes dipped in Mayo instead of butter...
ru(garden fresh)around

artichokes dipped in ranch


Active Member
Originally Posted by MolaMola
There's always a few pointy ended fries in the bunch. They're such a hazard, as it's quite easy to stab the roof of your mouth when trying to eat them.
heh... just break em in half...
fry sauce!!! love the stuff!!!
ru(simple solutions)around


Active Member

Originally Posted by NW2SLTFSH
Coleslaw (made with Vingar not Mayo) on a sandwhich
I make my cole slaw with cider vinegar and
mayo (actually miracle whip)...and it is AWESOME on BBQ pulled pork sandwich.

I eat the cookie from around my chocolate chips as much as possible saving the bite with the most chips for last. If they are hot out of the oven I just slide them off the cookie sheet into my mouth and chase it with ice cold
And I agree with JD. Tea should be sweetened like Kool-aid, warm or cold.
(drinking tea)


Active Member
Originally Posted by MolaMola
There's always a few pointy ended fries in the bunch. They're such a hazard, as it's quite easy to stab the roof of your mouth when trying to eat them.
Somebody has been doing QHSE courses.


Active Member
toasted ravioli :joy:
sweet tea only when I'm in the South..........cause no one else knows how to make it IMO.


Originally Posted by ophiura
Somebody has been doing QHSE courses.
How could you tell?

And breaking the french fries in half would be a simple solution, but I am guided by very strict, yet completely irrational principals.
I very much enjoy emptying the contents of egg rolls at Chinese restaraunts and refilling them with rice and then eating them.


Active Member
Well.. I have been on a diet as of lately to try and get the best foods in me for weight lifting.. and any foods that are good for you just dont taste good for some reason :p Anyways i've decided that instead of eating each food seperately.... why not just eat them all together and get it over with?
So like the other day I had spaghetti (no sauce) and mixed in a can of tuna (no mayo or salt or nothing) and also some egg whites... ate all that together.
I've also been mixing oysters and spaghetti. Also some other stuff that I cant even think of right now because im in so much pain... Speg out!


Active Member
olives. olives olives olives. I can eat three cans of black olives and 2 jars of green and then polish off a tub of greek ones and still be munching by the time we serve the cocktails.

I also eat fruit BEFORE it's ripe. I looooove nectarines and peaches that are still green and so firm that you can use them as doorknockers. MMMMM!!! CRUNCHY & TANGY!
oooh, and speaking of crunchy things... how about stuff we DONT like to eat?
I can't deal with food that's mushy. Stuff like pudding and yogurt - i have to freeze it in order to eat it. And sandwhiches with too much cream cheese or tuna or whatever.... the mushiness makes me gag.
I also cannot STAND onions. I think I dislike them SO MUCH that it illicits a physiological response. I get queasy just thinking about them.


i don't think there are any foods i don't like... OH YEAH!!! sausage... well most sausages. kielbasa is amazing, but that's it. breakfast sausage...eeeeewww!!! i think it all stems from eating at shoney's when i was a kid. They had the breakfast bar, and i would get pancakes with syrup and sausage, and the syrup got on my sausage and it made me nauseous, and ever since then i can't stand the stuff!!! Blood sausage is deee-sgusting!!! and rice sausage... ahhblahslkd;lrk!!!! I just get queasy thinking about it... it used to be amazing, until i got sick right after it... you know, once you throw up a food, that's it for eating that food again!!!
other than that, i love all foods!!! OLIVES are amazing!!! i can eat an onion like an apple... MMMMM
as for weird eating habits... i can't eat anything with the lights off, with the exception of popcorn and chips (without dip)... my hubby likes to eat and watch tv, and he turns off the lights... I CANNOT STAND IT!!!


Active Member
jd you cant eat with the lights off??? but then again why would anyone in the first place, well atleast in total darkness... I can understand with the lights out and the TV on, but pitch and the onions you eat like an apple...are they Walla Walla Sweets???

I love Tomatoes, but everyting I eat them (plain or on someting) I should use a never fails that at some point I look down and right there on my shirt is some
ru(Thank Goodness For Tide To-Go)around


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
I love Tomatoes, but everyting I eat them (plain or on someting)ru(Thank Goodness For Tide To-Go)around

yummy........mato sammich