Weird formation on glass??


New Member
I noticed today that in the upper right corners of the glass on the inside I have 2 semi-circular formations of something gathering. When you look at it closely it seems to be made of a bunch of little white balls(dots). Not sure if this is something I should disrupt or something layed some sort of eggs??
I have a 90G, 150lbs of rock, 4" sand bed, Sailfin Tang, Foxface, Ocelaris Clown, 3 Stripe Damsel, 2 Bluefin Damsels, 5 Halloween hermits, 30 Blue leg hermits, 15 Red leg hermits, 7 Nasarius snails, 15 turbo snails, 3 Emerald crabs, 1 Arrow crab, 1 Sally Lightfoot crab, 1 baby Horseshoe crab, and a Long Tentacled Anenome.
Should I get rid of this formation or wait and see what happens from it?? I tried to take a picture of it, but the lighting washes out the detail.


New Member
Here's pics...guessing they might be snail eggs, first time for everything I guess. Have had the tank up and running for close to a year now, still kind of learning new things as I go I guess.
