weird night in the reef for me


Active Member
ok so im looking at my tank with a flash light checking out the pyrimid snail i have :help: . i got quit a few im going to try a 6 line to eat them see if that helps.
and ok so one of my pepermint shrimp swims by the light and boom it look like it craped out like 1000 babies shrimp. i got a pic there the little specs in the pic but my cleaners and bang gais were eating them all up if i had another tank i woudl try and grow them but i got no where to put them. this is the 2nd time i have seen this.

nm reef

Active Member
My peppermints and cleaners have spawned several times. Just another link in the food chain in my reef. I've never tried to save any...if any were to survive that'd be a bonus...but they do add diversity to the lower levels of the food chain.


Active Member
i look at it this way at least my cardnals got a good meal. it would be cool if they did survive some mad it into my overflow mabey they will grow up.:thinking:


Active Member
yea it is a neat thing to see i havent seen my cleaners do it. but my peperments are always together they rarly leave one another. at night they do but when they come out during they day they just hang out together.



Originally posted by Reef_Magic
lol crapped out babies

do they give live birth?:notsure: i thought they lay eggs

They have eggs, but carry them until they hatch. The carry their eggs inbetween the swimmerettes (SP?)
Also, the females may store sperm packets from the males after mating and they can be used for several spawns. THat how some can have babies when there is only one shrimp in the tank.
If one can successfully raise peppermints and sale them, it would be awesome. It would help cut down the use of wild specimens...but it is not an easy task. Culturing shrimp usually leads to several failures before success.


Active Member
yea i might try to move them into a seperate tank some day and see if i can get them to spwan and raise the babies.


my two cleaner shrimp have only been in there for a week. I didn't see them at all until tonight when they were out front under the moon lights eating what I now believe was their own spawn. Actually, the guy at the lfs told me this would happen and that that tricky part is that they eat their own young, so it's not just a matter of keeping other animals away...