weird question?


ok here is the story. i just setup a 20 gal reef, which is still in the cycling process.all i have in there is live rock and arganite sand. for the return i used a plastic hose but for the end tip the "U" or elbo i used copper (with out thinking) the copper was exposed in the water for one day. it has been removed now... do you think this has done any damage? im really worried and getting all worked up on this one... so do you guys or gals think i have anything to worry about? i dont want any dead corals in the near future. pls help....


i'd say skip the test, just buy a copper sponge and use that for a while. it will pull out any copper you may have, even if undetectable. i wouldn't waste the money on a test though. jmo. :)


you will be fine. the inside of copper fittings is coated so as not to release anything into the water. when a fitting is green is is usually because of flux residue left over from soldering the pipe and after prolonged exposure to the elements.