Weird red round worm HELP IDENTIFY PLEASE


Active Member
i was looking at one of my snails earlier, one of the big ones. and he has a little red worm looking thing on him. it seems to have spun a very loose web around a small piece of live rock. it appears to be moving so i think it's alive. is this bad? it's on his shell...please respond asap


Active Member
ok, at least a reply. thank you. if it was your tank, i think i can just take it off. he doesnt seem to be fast. i stuck my net in next to the snail and it didnt move. i just wanna know if i should get rid of it or not becasue it did make a little sort of web. at least i think it did it. it seems to just be chilling on top of my snail. if it was you what would you do?


Active Member
I would probably dump it into the QT or Refugium if you have one. I am tired of unwanted guests ruining the party. Find out what it is and if it is beneficial.....put it back in the display.


Active Member
i would do it, but nobody reads these boards and replies anymore, so if it is beneficial i dont wanna kill it for no reason and nobody seems to be replying.


well if u got a hold of a camera and could a pic up it would be a lot easier to identify, round red worm doesn't say much, does it have lots of little feet and perhaps look like a baby bristle worm


The reason no one is responding is that no one knows (from your description) what it is. That's the horrible thing about wondering what something is and not having pictures of it. No one wants to read a post full of "I don't know."s and "No idea."s yaknow? I think Rye responded because he felt bad for you. lol
I think he meant do a bit of research on it, and keep it alive, but don't keep it in your main tank in case it messes something up.
Clarfiy your original post when no one the "loose web around a small piece of live rock"? A piece of LR *on* the snail? I'm going to assume that it's on the snails shell. Could it be a live barnacle? I have some on some of my huge hermits in my 200gal and they look a bit like what you've described...but I can't be sure without pictures :D


Active Member
I have a fan worm that made my hermit crabs shell his home. Looks kind of funny walking around with this fan opened up on his back.
Yeah, sounds to me RyeBread was saying that if you aren't sure if it is good or bad, just quarantine it and observe it while you wait to find out what it is.
I wouldn't say get rid of it, but if you want to play it safe, that's the way to do it - put it in a separate tank.


Active Member
it is just laying on the shell. i dont know if it has feet. loose web, what more can i say about it? like a spider web but not tightly knit. yes it's on the shell. what else do you need to know about it?