weird six line wrasse behavior


Mine does that spin as well. Usually when he is worried about something and cant find a way out.
I still dont think you should do anything to him unless you can get him in a QT tank and observe him away from the other fish.


Active Member
Day 4....STILL FREAKING SPINNING AROUND!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe that he hasn't done any further (or visible) damage to himself (hitting himself on the rock).


LMAO Thats funny!

Not really but man I am surprised he hasnt gone one way or the other yet.
I would let him go since he is alive and eating. Just make sure to test the water if you dont see him for a day.
Mine has taken to hiding all day unless its feeding time and I love watching him he is just worried about the big tank and all so we will see once I get more pods and LR for him if he decides to grace my tank with his swimming! LOL


Active Member
Hopefully you will see SWIMMING and not spinning ( 5 has begun...maybe he turned on FitTV and watched a spinning class or something...has a negative body image???).
I talked to my LFS last night and they were as mystified as I am. They said that maybe he has brain damage (YA THINK!!!) We have a special needs fish!


HAHA as long as he eats and doesnt hurt himself running into anything I wouldnt worry!
I would laugh so hard if he never stopped! LOL


Active Member
Still going...nothing outlasts the spinning sixline wrasse!!! I saw him eat flakes this morning, so he is definitely eating. Go figure


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....still going strong. He has started to slow his spinning and has started to swim straight at times...I am still at a loss.


Active Member
The reason you don't see him in the mornings is because Wrasses sleep under the sand.
This is quite a peculiar problem.


Active Member
...a year and a half later, our little sixline is still going strong, and from time to time, still likes to do loop d loo's???


Active Member
I just read this How funny!! Maybe he is a little on the short bus side? I would imagine it's not impossible for a fish to be retarded just like any human.....I am so glad he made it...:)


Active Member
Could wife works for the local county board of MRDD...she has been known to bring her work home with her... IS her tank!!!