Weird spots on clowns fins


I just noticed these this morning, there only on one of my clowns, and he doesnt seem to be affected. They are only on the clear part of his fins, and nothing else, including the body. Any ideas?

The red circled part is a micro bubble from my skimmer breaking in, not a spot on the fish

amm 0
trites 0
trates 0
ph 8
temp 79
50b with t5 lighting


I dont see anything! Old eyes, I guess.
It could be a copepod or a fungal infection if he tore his fin.
If that is all you see, I would not rush to treat anything. Most healthy fish in healthy tanks can shrug off minor things like this. Unless you had a recent crash, temp, ph or new fish added, I would just watch it closely. I have seen 'things' on the clear part of fins before and seen them disappear in a few days.


Originally Posted by sepulatian
That sure looks like ich to me. Are the clowns new? What else are they in with?
The clowns are not new, they have been in together since december. They are in with a sixline wrasse and a cleaner shrimp.


Originally Posted by Granny
I dont see anything! Old eyes, I guess.
It could be a copepod or a fungal infection if he tore his fin.
If that is all you see, I would not rush to treat anything. Most healthy fish in healthy tanks can shrug off minor things like this. Unless you had a recent crash, temp, ph or new fish added, I would just watch it closely. I have seen 'things' on the clear part of fins before and seen them disappear in a few days.
I added a sixline wrasse yesterday without qt'ing him as my qt isnt finished cycling yet, nothing in the store including this sixline had ich. This store is awesome they QT everything for 4 weeks before it is allowed out on the floor for display/sale. Other than that, no recent additions.


If it was ich, I would have to hypo the display correct, since my qt isnt finished cycling? Would this harm my cleaner shrimp? Would this kill the zoo's and other growth on my rock?
qt is as follows
10 gal
intank filter
amm .25
trites .25
trates 2
Think the QT would be up in time to do hypo in it?


Don't hypo the display if you have corals. Everything besides the fish and the sand would have to be removed. Your fish can wait while you cycle the QT. Add a few cups of sand to speed things along. Add garlic to the fish's food.


I already have some sand in the QT, and will start adding garlic tonight, other than my clowns only eat every few days.


Originally Posted by sepulatian
Is that their normal feeding schedule?
Nope, I can feed them every day, but they dont even look interested. Only about every other day do they actually eat what I put in. Which varies, mysis, spiralina, formula 1. They dont like anything in particular, or atleast I dont think so.


I also notice alot of free swimming somethings in the tank, as well as some at the waters surface, which were never there, until now. Im guessing these arnt pods. Also it looks like one of the white spots(which are now starting to appear on the top part of his body) flew off, and "swam" away. Im guessing this is most likely ich.
Any other advice? While the QT is cycling? I know most hate ich medicines but should I try something to keep it off the fish UNTIL I can hypo?


Originally Posted by sman
I also notice alot of free swimming somethings in the tank, as well as some at the waters surface, which were never there, until now. Im guessing these arnt pods. Also it looks like one of the white spots(which are now starting to appear on the top part of his body) flew off, and "swam" away. Im guessing this is most likely ich.
Any other advice? While the QT is cycling? I know most hate ich medicines but should I try something to keep it off the fish UNTIL I can hypo?
You cannot see ich floating around in the tank. You must be seeing something else. You can certainly try a reef safe med to help keep the parasites off of your fish while you cycle the QT. I don't have a recommendation of which one because I have heard very mixed results about them.


I have also heard mixed results, which makes me leary to try anything, but unil the QT is up, I might not have an option, it looks like there is about twice as many spots on him this morning.


Well Im 90% sure its not ich now, I just started running my new aqua c remora it has microbubbles everywhere, I turned it off when I went to work today, I dont see any more white spots on the clown? He was hanging out near the skimmer output alot? I think he might have just had some bubbles on him.
Ill continue the garlic just in case, they ate alot of formula 1 pellet soaked in it today.
Ill also keep up cycling the qt, and keep it cycled for any new comers, dont want to take any chances!
Ill post here again if I see him with spots again with the skimmer off.


Definitely keep the qt cycling. It did not look like micro bubbles to me. It sounds as though the ich may have dropped off to reproduce. The next time that you see a spot look closely at it with a magnifying glass. You will be able to see if it is a white, round, parasite that is embedded into the tissue or a micro bubble.


Well it was deffinetly round, but so are bubles, I guess we will see, I started the protein skimmer again and will see if he has spots on him tomorrow morning, and if he does ill shut the skimmer of the before I leave and see if there gone when I get home.


Originally Posted by sman
Well it was deffinetly round, but so are bubles, I guess we will see, I started the protein skimmer again and will see if he has spots on him tomorrow morning, and if he does ill shut the skimmer of the before I leave and see if there gone when I get home.
It is not good to do that either. When you have the skimmer running, then just shut it down, it reduces the amount of oxygen in the tank. Look with a magnifying glass. You will clearly be able to see which it is.


Definately ich IMO I saw this on my fish when I had an ich breakout. I couldn't see anything on the fish's body but only spots similiar to what I see in your pics on the fins. I would doubt the microbubbles would stick to the fish that much. I would think that the Sixline came to you w/ ich. Never trust a fish no matter how much a LFS tells you they do to prevent it. I learned my lesson that way. Just because it looks healthy doesn't mean it is.


BTW do the spots on the fin just look kind of like a milky white film like there was something there but now its just kind of like a scar? Thats what my fish looked like.