Weird type worm?


New Member
i just pulled out a worm or what ever from my tank it moves like a sidewinder snake. it has what looks like antenna like things on its head and hair along its body. Its about 1/2 inch in length and white to off white in color, is this freind or foe ? A quick response will be great so if it is good i can put it back. this is the first time i have seen it in my tank, and it likes the front glass for some reason. Ohh yea it swims too.
Thanks alot.:D

bang guy

If there are 5 antenna then it's a Polychaete Worm aka Bristle Worm. It is most likely of the beneficial variety.


New Member
NO its not any type of bristle worm i have seen. Its has serpent style movements as it swims. Man i wish i had digital camera. Cant afford one in this hobby.:eek:

bang guy

There are thousands of specie of Polychaete worms. The small white wigglers are often small Bristle worms entering the sexual phase of their life. Upon maturity some species of Bristle worms convert a large percentage of their body to gametes. They swim to the surface using a sidewinder motion and eventually explode into a cloud of gametes to be spread throughout the water column.
Some other types just have their tail break off and it does the same thing. These however, would not have antenna.