weirdest delimma ever. a good read lol



So I have my 75G reef-ISH tank (coral frags, good lighting, but no inverts at all...keep that in mind) and I for some reason bought an argus grouper to put in it about a month ago. It was only about 4 inches or so big, so I thought it would be ok with fish about his size. oh, and the grouepr is no longer in the aquarium btw, I got him out of there yesterday... but anywayz... I added him to the tank, then 2 days later one of the employees at one of the LFS's I frequent who knows I come in there twice a week asking if they got any red coris wrasses in (cause i want one more than any other fish) tells me that he has one (a juvinile about 3 inches) in his tank and home and needs to get rid of it. So I got it from him, took it home and added it to the tank. It immediately buried in the sand. The next day, he's out swimming, and I see the grouper try to nail him! So I'm like "great...hes gonna get killed" but I had to go to school. So I got home from coris wrasse. I figured maybe he'de burrowed under the sand...but i didn't see him for 2 more days, and i guessed the grouper ate him. This was a MONTH AGO. 4 WEEKS!!!
Here's where it gets complicated.....
Today I was at the same LFS and the same guy was working, i told him that about a month ago the wrasse he gave me got eaten....he says "aww man that sucks...well we got some more coris's in if you want one I'll sell you one for like 15 bucks since you've already lost one." Naturally I buy it. (remember the grouper is no longer in the tank, so no worries about this one getting eaten). I bought it and came home. I opened the front door....look at my tank.....and there's my ORIGINAL red coris wrasse swimming around.
You've GOT to be kidding me.
Its been a MONTH since I've seen it. I've taken out every rock, re-distributed the sand, rearranged all the rockwork, and seen my tank about 5 hours a day, at all times of the day and night, lights on and lights off. I have no choice but to assume that my coris wrasse has been buried under the sand, not eating for a month. That's the ONLY possibility. So Here I am with my brand new red coris juvi. that until 5 seconds ago I was so greatfull to have. So here's the tell me how much I messed up. It won't un-do things...but whatever.
I've read everything from "coris cant be kept with ANY other wrasse, they'll fight to the death" to "juviniles can be kept safetely together but MAY show aggresion as they grow into adulthood". So of course I took my chances. I added the newcoming to the tank. I probably shouldnt have, but I did. Hell, I had a coral beauty and a flame angel get along perfectly fine in a 40G....why not have 2 coris babies get along in a tank twice that size? At first they kinda flared their fins at each other, but no physical contact was made, no sudden jerks or anything....and after about 5 minutes they each kinda swam their own direction and eventually went into the sand to sleep for the night.
So who thinks I'm going to have a kick-ass tank with not just one but TWO incredibly beautiful red coris wrasses in it, and who thinks I've just condemmed both fish to certain death, stressing out the other fish in the tank as well as each other, giving me an uncurable ich outbreak leading to the death of everything?


Active Member
I think you will be okay for a while, but there is a very good chance that they may begin fighting as they age. However, you may be lucky enough to have gotten a male and female. If so, you will befine.


sweet, thats what i thought. fingers crossed. = )
if i can get two adult coris's in my tank I'll die happy.


Active Member
You could always rearrange the rock work and add some egg crate to block them from actually meeting. Give them some time to 'meet' one another. Generally it's not a good idea, but have seen things like 2 Harlequin Tusks in the same tank work. If the new guy is bigger, that always tends to work better. Agreed, that's it would only be temperary, the coris will outgrow the 75.
If it doesn't workout, lemme know, I may be in the market for a nice coris.


the red coris can fit thru egg crate unfortunately. if they start attacking one another, just watch where they dive in to the sand, pull out your rock, and set your net to dig. thats about the only way to catch one of them. but either way, good luck.


Originally Posted by AquaKnight
You could always rearrange the rock work and add some egg crate to block them from actually meeting. Give them some time to 'meet' one another. Generally it's not a good idea, but have seen things like 2 Harlequin Tusks in the same tank work. If the new guy is bigger, that always tends to work better. Agreed, that's it would only be temperary, the coris will outgrow the 75.
If it doesn't workout, lemme know, I may be in the market for a nice coris.
alright ill let ya know if i remeber and it doesnt work out lol.
when i turned the lights off last night and the wrasses both disappeared everything was fine as of that point. This morning so far the lihts have been on for an hour and they still haven't emerged from the sand or wherever they're hiding, so I dunno...i still got my fingers crossed. Maybe if they wake up WITH each other in the same tank, then they'll just forget that it always hasn't been like that lol. But again...who knows...


Active Member
some things:
1)one red coris doent belong in a 75g tank. these fish will grow to be the size of your forearm.
2)they are not fighting now as they are both juveniles. this will change.
3) i m pretty sure all wrasse are born female and then --- change to male if they are the largest, depending on other circumstances.