Well crypt secret?



Last Thursday I mentioned to a client that I had a reef tank in my office.
He responded that in New Orleans there's a saltwater tank "with corals and stuff" which is "around 4 or 5 feet long" he'd seen in a mausoleum. Some guy still maintains his parents tank in the crypt years after they died.
Anybody from Louisiana out there? This guy is pulling my leg, right?
People want certain things done i guess... I would like to be skattered on a reef when I die, kinda the same thing, just throw em in the ocean and they should be fine


Active Member
I'm not following....So he has an aquarium that he maintains in or at the burial vaught where his dead parents are?


Active Member
Originally Posted by rtzx9r
Poor tank is likely full of ghost shrimp.
good one rtz....

I was going to recommend 'ghost feeding' the tank when he doesn't have time to come by for a visit....


My main thought when the guy told me the story was...
how do you get power in a mausoleum? I've never seen one with a lot of outlets...most corpses don't do a lot of reading and a microwave might mess with TV reception.

salt nate

hey spiny...
thats the same way I want to go! But not scattered on a reef, scattered into my favorite surf break!