Well Established Tank??


Can someone define a well-established tank? I've seen this phrase thrown around a few times and I'm a bit puzzled. If you water (ie Salinity, Ammonio, Nitrates, Nitries, pH, Alkalinity, Phosphates)is in good condition, doesn't that mean that the tank is well-established?
I've seen some people write stuff like, only bring this coral/fish into a well-established system... couldn't your system be well established after 2 months or so if you're levels are all perfect?


Active Member
I think what these people mean is if you have things like a DSB make sure that it is well populated with worms and pods. Also if your levels are OK make sure they have been that way for a month or so not just a couple of days.


Active Member
I suppose I would say that after the tank has fully cycled, has gone through the diatom and initial algae stages, has a diversity of life/algae in the substrate, has a balanced bioload/biofiltration level and all water quality levels are within correct range and stable - that it has become "established" or "mature".
After 6-8 months or so, a well cared for and properly maintained marine tank is quite different than a 2 month old tank - even though the water quality test indicate similar results. Same goes for a 2-3 year old tank vs a 1 year old tank.
Also - in my opinion - the hobbyist has to also become "established" or "experienced" to how that particular tank and livestock respond to changes in temperature, differnt water chemistry readings, water changes and any other tank fluctuations that will occur over time.
Every tank is different, and will respond to internal and external changes or disruptions differently.
That's what I think is meant by the term "an established tank".


I never thought about it that way -- that a mature aquarium = experienced aquarist. That makes more sense to me.


Active Member
i use that phrase a lot, i am sorry, but what i mean, is a mature system, one that has cycled and gone for several monthhs because your tank will continue to go thru other phases, one of which is algae , but for the most part, you tank is not done maturing after the cycle is complete, corals IMO should not be added for at least 6 months and some fish for 6 to 12 months after, and anemones should never be added to a system, where tehre are any questions at all(a veteran with several years and a 3+yr old tank IMO still is not generally good conditions for one, i have only seen 2 or 3 incividuals who i consider partially successful at raising them(if they can't keep him for at least a couple of years MINIMUM))
IMO a welle established tank is not one that has cycled and stayed stable for 2 or 3 months, but one that has matured for a while


Active Member
Well established should consist of the following:
1. predictable water chemistry
2. very little maintenance is required to maintain water quality.
3. the steady growth of organisms not present when the tank was setup.
4. the presence of copepods and amphipods in abundance(depending on the fish stocked).