Well I am addicted and I'll show you......

chef jaysen

The criteria for my new house was to have room for a new tank that would go in the wall. The picture is plans for the new house. I just put the deposit on to be built in January. The wall across from the dining room will be cut the dimensions of the biggest tank I can fit in there by the builders. The wall is 7 feet 4 inches I think so I am goin as big as I can get.......A hobby room, how perfect is that. Its made for me...........I wont tell you how much this house is but its worth selling my kid to get it.........haha


Active Member

Originally posted by chef jaysen
its worth selling my kid to get it.........haha

LOL, your kid must be in college if you want to get rid of em' that bad!!


Active Member
that is going to be awesome....i too plan to do this one day......but for now only dream!
good luck


Active Member
it looks like your hobby room is the size of my bedroom! :) very nice, can't wait to see pictures of it once its built


Very good idea. When we had our house built, we did the same thing. The upstairs tank has a room behind it for all of the guts and the two downstairs tanks have all of the guts in the basement. Nice because there is lots of room to work.

chef jaysen

Yeah I am so excited I have almost forgot about how much I am being raped on this new house.....haha. Since the wall is only 7'4" I am going to see how tall I can get a tank. How cool would a 6 foot wide by 6 foot tall be. All I need to do is find it.......God I cant wait. I will keep you all informed. Cheers.....



Originally posted by scuba steveo
i will sell you my wife for it

lol, I'd trade you the tank for my dad but he's classified as expert only;)