well I gess its time


Active Member
for an up date
The babies are doing great. One of the pairs I am keeping were attempting an egg transfer today

4 of the biggest are going to my lfs wens. I need to make room.



Well-Known Member
I would have a hard time giving them up after all it took to care for them from tinyhood.... Congratulations


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/385953/well-i-gess-its-time#post_3387274
LOL...not for $50 a piece I wouldn't.....I HAVE no clue how much a private person could sell them for...BUT I know they are not cheap for a person to buy
I got my horses from Peka for $50.00 but everywhere else it was almost $80.00 and up from there. LFS want to buy your critters for $10.00 and they sell them for $100.00. I think T can sell hers for more than $50.00...LOL, toss in their baby picture, works with puppies and kittens.

shrimpy brains

Awesome, T. I am sure you will miss them, but what a great accomplishment. I love passing on my baby clowns to fellow reefers and can't wait till I manage to raise some horses to pass along also. (Speaking of, I am waiting for my Male to pop, hehe. His tummys so big, it's got to happen soon)


Active Member
thanks, I will miss them, but am keeping 5 or 6 - Some will be around for a while longer, they are runts and are still small.
Shrimpy-do you have everything ready??


Well-Known Member
T, that is such fantastic news, and thanks so much for the wonderful pictures along the way. You should put all of these pics together in a single file so people can see the progress from birth to sale age. Congrats on closing the life cycle for these critters...it's quite an accomplishment!


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by novahobbies http:///forum/thread/385953/well-i-gess-its-time#post_3387504
T, that is such fantastic news, and thanks so much for the wonderful pictures along the way. You should put all of these pics together in a single file so people can see the progress from birth to sale age. Congrats on closing the life cycle for these critters...it's quite an accomplishment!



Active Member
OMg that was hard-like letting your kid go to a friends house to spend the night for the first time. ;l lol
but I need to get them new homes so it has to be done.
Rick- I have a nice silver male picked out just for you . lol
I will have to work on getting a gallary blog put together
Thanks for the suport everyone.


Well-Known Member
awwwwwww!! *blush*
I can sort of identify with the whole "giving them up" feeling -- felt similar when I sold my kiddies back to the store after I broke down the big tank.
Well, except for the maroon clown. Didn't feel at all bad about selling her. ;-)

shrimpy brains

I know it's hard giving them up, but captive bred have much better odds of doing well then those pulled from the ocean. So, you are doing a great thing.
I am pretty sure I am ready for the little ones. I have 2 ten gallon tanks with lots of little colorful tie wrap hitches.(start them out in one and hopefully move some to the other as they grow.) airline, sponge filter.
I have amquel, formulin and panacur. Plenty of brine shrimp eggs (some hatched and enriching, but might be too early as the babies aren't born yet) and rotifers. Also, some dried and frozen stuff to try. I have plenty of ro water ready, but need to get some salt(this weekend)
Anything else? Should I get some clove oil? Not sure I can do that.


Active Member
sounds like your pretty ready. I could never cull-I just let the pass as they would.
Lets see- things i found easier.
5 gal hex tank for the first few weeks. -- I dont know why, but I had better luck with the more round tank for the first few weeks, they were also easier to clean.
Have lots of salt water made up. you will be doing multi water changes along with full tank teardowns and cleanings.
Go to Sallys and by Salon Care 40 Volume -its peroxide for cleaning bbs, nets and tanks. I didnt clean exactly like dan does, but I found rinsing the bbs before feeding helped keep the fry from scratching. it also helps cut down vibro and other pathogins.
I found having a piece of ridgid tubing attached to an airline helped clean the bottom of the tank of poop between water changes and cleanings.
feel free to ask if you need anything. I will help if I can

shrimpy brains

You rinsed the bbs in peroxide?????? or just rinsed under the tap?
I think there is a Sally's in Gainesville, but if I don't find one, would regular peroxide work?
I know I need to buy salt, but it will have to wait till the weekend. Not sure how long he's been carrying, just know he looks huge and I figure he will let them loose soon.
I have a 2 one gallon goldfish type bowls with the flat sides. I us them for clown fry. Do you think it would be better to start them off in those? I could split them between the 2 tanks.


Active Member
yup I know it sounds strange, but peroxide. Let me find the two articles for ya- I will pm them to you
the gold fish bowls are up to you- I know some use them but i havent - I would go ahead and just use your ten gal for now. see how it goes. If you have raised clowns then these should be a breeze lol

shrimpy brains

Breeze....lol....yea! It took a couple of tries with the clowns. This would be my 3rd try with the horses. I had many issues with floating and itching, and hopefully learned allot. Last time, I got 1 to 10 weeks and I don't know what happened, but ended up losing it. Maybe I will do better this time. Probably will be sending lots of pms your way, so keep your some space in your box for me. :)


Active Member
this was my second or third time too. I got my first batch to 6 weeks. they didnt grow and would not take frozen. Second batch was five out of 150 and 22 out of 200 from the third batch. I didnt realize that they start introducing cyclopeeze at just a few weeks, and shaved mysis not long after that. I didnt use the cyclops long- I found it fowled the tank quickly and the babies didnt look at it. I have better luck with just mysis