Well I got a virus from SWF and its nasty...


Active Member
Iy IT guy is perplexed.....I open a thread to report it and there you go.... give me a few more days to get it fixed.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by efishnsea
Iy IT guy is perplexed.....I open a thread to report it and there you go.... give me a few more days to get it fixed.....

I don't think it is accurate to say "I got a virus from SWF" as it was not from this site, but a link that you clicked on. Just to clarify for people reading this.
All I can say is DO NOT CLICK on links in obvious "spam" posts.


Active Member
Originally Posted by efishnsea
Yea but I accessed it from this site, your right

The virus came from the spam link that was posted here, not from swf.com


Originally Posted by efishnsea
Yea but I accessed it from this site, your right

Just be glad it wasn't an STD.


Active Member
I thnk you should change the title to both of your threads about this to "Don't do what I did" You are making it sound like it is SWF's fault instead of yours. We ALL know you do not click on the links that are posted here. I myself have reported many of them and I have had no problems.


Active Member
So would it be accurate to say that you got a virus from

Hillton? You should change your name to Ron Mexico.


efishnsea don't start downloading antivirus programs. you will end up with some kind of antispyware loaded on your computer. If you have a virus protection program like mcafee ot norton, run it and see what the virus you have is. Once you find it Google it if the virus protection didn't qt it. Most Trojans need to be manuall removed to get ride of them altogether. shoot me an email if you have any other question. roneckler@comcast.net